Chapter 0:What is freedom?

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The current Japanese society and the world as as a whole.

I have always had a question about it are we as human beings truly free?

These days in society everyone is free to do whatever they want to do. For hundreds of years people have been calling for freedom of the human race, and have been shouting about getting rid of slavery and other such injustices. They call for freedom for all allowing everyone the opportunity to be free to do as they please, They go as far as faulting large cooperations about how much time off their workers are given. Some even advocate for freedom in places where less of it is available, and now the public is encouraged to not question others as they are exercising there right to freedom. Children are taught that everyone is free and they can do what they like.

Is this really true?. I pondered.

People are still enslaved to this day, atrocities like human trafficking still happens but in functioning societies like Japan the news is swept under the rug to give people the illusion of freedom, people who are enslaved are still enslaved they are not free, human beings as a whole are enslaved creatures some just have more freedom then others. However none of this has any meaning if no one pays attention to it.

To answer my own question, no human beings are not free.

People are unfree beings; there are no truly free people in this world except the ones who are buried beneath the earth.

A great man once said that God granted all beings the freedom of there own will and choices. But that doesn't mean that everyone is free. There is a second part to the passage it doesn't just end there. The rest states that Everyone may have the most freedom when they are born but the I asked, why are there differences in laws and peoples choices?

That was written in the second half of the passage. Is it a difference because one was born in one country compared to someone who was born in another.

A difference is created there. That's why countries have introduced different laws some that restrict or increase freedom of the common man. These ever changing laws are still used in modern day 2015. However the situation is more complex and is becoming more serious.

Human beings are capable of complex thoughts and emotions. I don't think it's correct for people to say that we as human beings are free sure some of us have more freedom then others but we will always be chained down by earthly desires, the only time we as human beings are truly free is when we return to the earth and begin to decompose then we are free of worry, risk and anything else.

In other words, the word freedom is not at all true, but having no or restricted freedom is also unacceptable by societal standards. And so I was trying to find an answer to this eternal problem that humans have and will be facing.

However in my true opinion human beings are not and will never be free we're all trapped wether that be by being enslaved or simply working a job you slave away at, shackles are placed upon us some more that other and some worse than others as far as i see it, freedom is like a currency you can trade it away for one aspect of life but people will never truly be free.

Thinking about the future is hard isn't it?

High school or college or perhaps even work it's hard to imagine when you're first born isn't it?

It may be hard to find employment in the future it's a bit worrying as some may never secure a placement isn't that right?

Well for me I have felt similar worries that most people have.

When I finished what was required of me and entered high school it was hard to notice anything.

I felt a sense of joy from being released from 'that' place.

However this place may very well impact my future to the extreme.

I will now be studying at a highly regarded school and to me who wants to gain more freedom this school is a safe haven.

I plan to indulge in life's Delicacies and live my life to the fullest while I'm here before my freedom is taken away from me but I will do everything within my ability to keep my place in this school.

After all there meant to nurture students here right.

Well I'm already above what they can teach me.

But they don't know that do they?

A/N: to keep this short, I have decided to make a classroom of the elite x oc fanfic to reveal some information harem will be involved so if you don't like that feel free to leave there too many girls that are good looking in cote just for me to pick one. Also I hate the zodiac exam when prepping for it I had to dive deep into Reddit and other websites to find the required information anyways I will put a description of what my oc looks like soon, this monologue is very similar to Ayanokōuji's but they were in a similar environment anyways not all will be this similar going forward and with that I hope you enjoy this book.

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