The Plan

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Janet POV
"Okay, so here's the plan," I began, "EMZ, since you're the creator of the school blog, I need your help to publish a story on Fang's irrational behaviour. Maybe then, people will start seeing him for who he really is, and not just as some handsome boy with great charisma. It's best if we include some evidence, so maybe the next time—"

"Wait, Janet," EMZ interrupted. "You're forgetting that Fang has too much power. Too much influence. If we post that video, not only we will likely achieve nothing, we'll also all become targets of Fang."

"Well..." I admitted, "Maybe it won't work. But I want to place trust in the universe just once. If not...there's no hope left for me."

My shoulders slumped with the confession, until EMZ finally whispered, "Ok, fine. I trust you."

"Great! So, as I was saying, maybe the truth about Fang's persecution will change their minds. Most of them just support him, but they've got no idea as to what he truly does." I said. "Next time Fang targets us, you need to be there to film what he does. Only then can we open the school's eyes, and help them see the devil in disguise."

"Okay...but actually, I've already got a number of those scenes on film. Fang didn't notice because I stayed hidden while recording them, but I've still got the records. And if you want, I can publish them on the blog, I guess." EMZ admitted.

But before I could respond, she gasped and clutched her head, dropping onto her knees and groaning.

"'s happening?" I whispered, my mind becoming like a mental storm. Then a boom of thunder rose above the tempest, yet another memory. Or maybe a prophecy.

Just walking down the hall, with friends by my side. The decision was just made a day ago, and he was probably already on the hunt.

Hopefully she was right, and the effort wouldn't go to waste. Hopefully, it wasn't all for nothing. Hopefully things were going to change.

Then he came along. His voice as dark as thunder, his eyes full of fury, his shadow stretching over mine as if ready for a fight.

He hissed, "Remember how I said Janet was at the top of my targets? Well, since you defied me, you're next. And I'm going to make sure your life is a living hell."

I could do nothing as he stalked away with his minions. But I swore that the sacrifice I made would turn things around one day. And since I had already dipped my toe in the river on the other side, maybe it was time to go all in.

The dream ended when I heard people calling my name and shaking me violently.

"EMZ! Wake up!" I heard frenzied shouts, but I was too lazy to come back, maybe submerging myself in subconsciousness would be better.

But then I remembered my friends. And the pact I had made with Janet. That she could always trust me. And that I could do the same for her.

And then I remembered the other figure, the girl in the shadows, waiting to strike. I had to come back, to make sure whatever new world was coming would be the one we wanted. We needed.

So I pulled myself back to reality, rubbing my eyes as I looked around, "What just happened?"

"We were talking, then all of a sudden you collapsed and started groaning," Sandy said. "What happened?"

I decided to tell them about my dream, and the one before that. With each passing word, they looked more worried.

"What do you think the dream meant?" Jessie asked in a hushed tone.

"And what was that about the war?" Sandy murmured.

"And the death, the blood and the mysterious girl?" Leon questioned.

"I've no idea," I said softly. "No idea at all."

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