Backstories (Pt. 2)

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Fang POV
I pounded my fist on the table in fury, frustrated that my plan had failed yet again. "What were you doing?" I snapped sharply at Colette and Edgar, who were looking down at their feet.

Edgar explained, "We were chasing those two little fools when the dumbass penguin guy blocked our way. And by the time Colette managed to make him move aside, the chameleon boy turned them invisible and the girl flew them away."

It did sound valid. But I was too angry to care, ordering, "Get out, and think of a new plan. I must have my revenge."

"Fang, are you okay?" Bibi asked softly as I held my head in my hand, pissed off by these useless fools that couldn't even get one thing right, as well as those brats who kept on avoiding punishment.

"Yeah, sweetie," I gave her a kiss as I assured her I was alright. But as Bibi continued to worry, leaving those crinkles under her eyebrows that showed every time she was anxious, I decided to tell her the truth.

"Bibi? You remember the day that we met, right?" I began.

Bibi laughed, "Of course. How could I forget?"

"Yeah. So, there's a bit more to my backstory than you know so far."

"Oh?" Bibi said, her eyes widening. "What haven't you told me?"

"Well, here's the story..."

Fang POV, Past
My first day at school, everyone had heard about me, everyone knew about me, and most importantly everyone knew how rich my family was.

That day, when my Martial Arts class had just finished, I was going home to study, and I decided to take a shortcut through the buildings. But I headed down the wrong alley, and I was trying to find the right way home when three fourth-year students came out of nowhere. They since have been expelled, as you know, but that day, they did something to me I would never forget.

They bullied me, tortured me, shamed me. They kept on asking me for money, but what they didn't know was that my parents only gave me five dollars for lunch, and they kept on accusing me of hiding the money. So they hit me and embarrassed me for something that couldn't be found. They took my cap and tore it apart, they slapped me, they punched me, they pulled my hair, they even kicked me here and there. And what was worst was that one of the bullies was so furious that he tore my whole shirt apart. It was my favourite shirt, and now it's no longer here because of him. And then, when he still couldn't find the imaginary money, he even pulled off my pants and left me there, almost completely naked. And when they really didn't find anything, they left me alone in the dark alley, hurt, only in my underwear, and with bruise marks all over my body. Then, Janet and her group of friends passed by, but instead of helping me, she laughed at me. In that moment, all my anger built up, and I swore to myself that one day, I would get my revenge.

As you know, you found me then an hour later, all curled up and crying. And you were so nice to me, taking care of me when I had been humiliated. You brought me home, called my parents and took care of me while they weren't here. That's why I fell in love with you, because even when I was just there, covered in blood, sweat, bruises and pant-less, you didn't call me a loser, you didn't laugh at me like Janet. You took me for who I was, and helped me when I most needed it.

And after that incident, I managed to remove those three D-students from our school. But Janet—her adoptive father was important on our society, and even my father was unable to kick her out. So I decided to do everything I could to make her feel bad, make her feel worthless, humiliate her and make her feel like nobody cared about her, just like she had done that day. And one day, I will find a way to get rid of her, remove her from my life. Forever.

As long as it takes.

No matter the cost.

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