Chapter 2

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TW: Swearing + Phobias

I was most DEFINITELY schizophrenic. I mean, how would you just MAGICALLY have your friend disappear, then three, very beautiful boys come out of nowhere to tell you that you're an alien and you must go to this special alien school, and they were VAMPIRES or some crazy wacky stuff? Not possible. I'm very schizophrenic. But if I was hallucinating, why did it feel so... real? It made no sense, really.

But here I was, on a magical train that I fell into after jumping in the portal. There were all sorts of creatures—dwarves with pointy looking ears and sparkly hair, tall people with wings and claws, and a couple with gills and mermaid tails and odd colored eyes. They didn't look very... friendly, though, so I assumed they were Sirens. How they're on a TRAIN without WATER, I'm not sure.

 But the group of people that stuck out the most to me was a circle of normal looking girls, except they weren't wearing the uniform that everyone else had. To the right, a girl just a little shorter than me was wearing a really, really short strapless dress. Her makeup was way overdone, and she had blonde hair that fell to her waist. On the left, another one was wearing an emerald green dress, which was at a more appropriate length. Her inky black hair was tied up into a high ponytail, and despite not having on as much makeup as the blonde she had an impossible amount of shakily done eyeliner. She was pretty, though, I must admit. The one in the center, however, was the most beautiful of all.

She looked like Regina George, but if she was an even more massive deal. She had long, shiny floor-length hair, and a tight, frilly lavender dress that showed a little too much of her cleavage. There was a silky white ribbon on her ankle, which should look out of place but somehow added to her outfit. Her 6-inch heel clacked on the ground as she tapped her foot impatiently. And, unlike the girls beside her, her makeup was done to perfection. There was another girl though, arguing with the Regina girl.

She was wearing a faded, baggy band T-shirt and denim shorts. Her lashes were long and dark and freckles dotted her nose and cheeks. She seemed like a normal teen. Except for one thing—she had no hair. Nothing on her head, her eyebrows, her arms. She was bald all over. She looked a LOT like the girl she was arguing with, somehow.

"That's Regna," Rory--who was apparently Kain's twin brother—said, noticing me staring. "She used to have really long floor-length hair, like her twin sister Belloria—the one in the middle—but something happened between them, and it was gone. They both hate each other now, but to be completely honest, I don't blame her. Belloria is the worst creature in Esteria," he explained, speaking faster than Eminem. It took me a couple seconds to register what he had just said.

"What's Esteria?" I asked.

"Oh, jolly. My idiot brothers didn't tell you the name of our planet." He sighed, and then continued to fidget with his fingers. We sat there in silence for a bit, before he spoke up again. "I'm really sorry for dragging you here on such short notice. It must be a lot to take in."

"Not really. I mean, don't get me wrong, this is absolutely crazy. But this is something of my dreams, like... straight out of a fantasy book! Even if I am going insane, at least I get to experience this. And anyways, anything is better than staying back in San Diego," I said. I really had nothing to lose. My only friend was fake, and the last of my family was horrid.

"Oh, right. I forgot to ask. What are you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you can see the train. You haven't evaporated yet. That means you aren't human. What are you, then?" It took me a while to understand him, because he was talking way too fast.

"How do you expect me to know? It's been a total of like 40 minutes since I met Kain. I know a total of about five things as to what's going on, and I didn't even get to eat my fucking croissant," I tell him, slouching in my seat. Rory sighed.

"It should be only a second till your form changes, though. Crossing the bridge and passing through the border reveals everything that's hidden. It's how students can't smuggle anything...illegal in." Listening to this guy was like listening to Carti. It was like he didn't even pronounce the words, they just slipped out of his mouth. "We'll hit the final barrier in about a minute and a half, so don't worry," he said, much slower this time. He sounded like he was trying to reassure me, but to be completely honest, it made my thoughts race even more. "It might hurt a bit, though. Your bones and skin will change completely, and you might grow some things like feathers, tails, wings or... fangs, possibly. It hurt really bad when I got mine, and they're super tiny! There's no possible way you're one of us, and every other creatures fangs are much, much bigger than ours, which isn't too good for you. But if you get a tail, that would be so cool! You could hit..." I stopped listening at that point, but not because I wasn't interested.

A wave of pain slammed into me like a brick wall. My ears started to ring, and my vision blurred despite my thick glasses.

"Are you okay?" Rory asked, concerned. I shook my head no, my body shaking. It felt like my limbs were on fire but somehow worse, and I have unfortunately had the experience, so I know what I'm talking about. Breathing started to hurt too, which only made me breathe harder. I could feel the stares of people around me, which really didn't help. My ears started to burn at the tips, and my legs started to shrink. Actually, not just my legs. Everything was shrinking—my arms, my head... but my legs were going the fastest. I wanted... no, 



        scream, but my throat was 




     will it 


It stopped. The pain, dizziness. It was all gone. I hadn't noticed it before, but I was curled up in a ball on the floor. My breath was still shaky. I stood up slowly—for some odd reason I was as short as Rory's shoulder while he was sitting—and looked around. Everyone—and I mean everybody—was looking at me, some in surprise, some in concern, and Regna, the bald girl, in anger.

"Oh. So that's what you are," Rory said. I couldn't read his expression at all.

"W-what? What are you t-talking about?" I stammered, looking up at him.

Something was wrong with my mouth—my tongue felt weird, and my teeth were in the wrong place.

Rory pulled out a small, square mirror and pointed it in my face. I had to stop myself from screaming.

My ears were pointy. My eyes were purple. My tongue was forked. I had fangs, like what he was talking about earlier. And I was definitely much shorter than before.

"Raiven, I'm really not sure how to say this, but... you're an elf. An Asterial elf."

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