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"Did you find her?" A tall, pale-skinned woman with dark hair asked, a look of distress on her face.

"Yes. But she's an average human with no abilities at all. That can't be the person that holds the fate of our world in her hands," said a short, chubby man. He was, unlike the woman, very calm. The only sign of stress he showed was the excessive twiddle of his fingers. "She's supposed to be a very wealthy person, going to an expensive boarding school and doing whatever rich humans do."

"It doesn't matter. We need her here, now. If we don't have her soon, the entire world will be in danger. Do whatever it takes for her to attend this Academy."

"But she's lived without knowing any of this exists! We'd be uprooting her entire life, for what? A silly necklace?" the man said.

"That 'silly necklace' is the key to Luminosa. It's necessary to keep an eye on it, and we can't do that if she's a literal PLANET away!"

"But Valencia-"

"Make sure she attends next year. I want updates at the end of every week. Goodbye, Edric."

Edric stays silent as Valencia walked away. He waits until the sound of her footsteps is no more before toddling on over to the brick wall of the deserted alleyway they were talking in. He pulls out a silver, crooked key from his shirt pocket and pushes it into a crack between the bricks of the wall. The bricks start to rearrange themselves, forming into a long, spiraling staircase. He starts up the steps, the bricks forming back into the wall it was before.

It didn't take long for him to reach the top, but beads of sweat had gathered on his forehead. He taps his foot three times. For a moment, nothing happens. But, without warning, the floor sucks him in. He suppresses a scream as he's pulled through into complete darkness.

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