Ch1 - Beginnings

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During the formation of every multiverse that comes to exist, a plethora of code comes together and lays the foundation of what it will become. Broken and fallen code, pieces that have been torn asunder by the Void, fragments abandoned and left to rot, all recycled to birth new life.

Though each multiverse is different in the way it develops, many begin with a creator type entity. Not always a god, not always an Ink, simply a being with the power to create, to bring life where it does not yet exist. That being is guided by the multiverse itself, by its code, and it is they who help shape the multiverse into whatever type it inevitably shall become.

With every creator type entity, there too forms a destroyer, a balancing entity to ensure that the multiverse would not run out of space or become too crowded. The destroyer is tasked with removing bugs and viruses, with eliminating dead and unnecessary code, allowing creation to continue; a cycle that could be harmonious, or acrimonious, depending on just how much the balance holding entities know about (and care for) their multiverse.

Some multiverses are doomed to fail before they have a chance to truly grow. The 'Velvet Multiverse' was one such place. It was ravaged by a particularly troublesome virus too early in its development to have formed anything beyond a lone creator, even the code at its very foundation fragmented in its wake.

In most multivereses, the destroyer would be the one to fix this. On occassion, the creator could as well. But this multiverse was almost completely empty. The only places that existed were the doodlesphere, the antivoid, and the void. And its single living entity was a creator... a creator too young to know how to possibly stop the decay caused by this virus.

This state of inevitable degradation drew the attention of a particular multiverse-hopping parasite. Curious, the being entered this multiverse through one of the many holes within its foundation, whistling at the clear damage the virus (not him, it was not a sentient/living type of virus) had caused. There hadn't even been a firewall to keep him out!

Whilst the parasite was neither kind nor particularly caring, his orbs landed on the creator, something that caused him to become instantly shocked. Despite the millions of multiverses in existence, the presence of babybones was extremely rare. Never had the parasite heard of, let alone seen, a babybones Ink variant - he didn't even think it was a possibility! 

Yet here one was, a tiny little thing gazing at him with astonished star-shaped eyelights. He hadn't even meant to reveal himself so soon, but he could not help wanting to learn more about the adorable little skeleton in vastly oversized clothing.

"Sup, mah radical bruh!" the parasite greeted, the yellow text of his shades finally settling on its usual YO-LO. Whilst he might have, under different circumstances, taken a host here, he refused to do that to a babybones. He might have been a cruel bastard, but even he had ethics. Sort of.

...Maybe he just thought kids were too adorable to eat. They were probably his only soft spot.

"Woah! You're so colourful! And pretty!" the babybones giggled, clearly unafraid of the danger that the newcomer posed. There was no fear or apprehension, only an immense curiosity and clear desire to know the stranger. "What's your name, pretty mister?"

The parasite grinned. Such a polite little thing, this babybones was. "I'm your raddest pal ever, the freshest funky neighBROhood cool kid Sect!" He let out, crouching to better reach their height. 

He was a Fresh variant, of course, but stuck to the name 'Sect' as a way to differentiate himself when travelling throughout the omniverse. It was a name formed as a pun about the time he was dissected by a particularly troublesome Gaster variant, not that the babybones needed to know that. 

Truthfully, he was not particularly well known amongst the multiverses. His reputation was pretty much limited to 'slippery pest' as he was extremely skilled at hiding and blending in, mostly because there were so many things out there stronger than him and he was smart enough not to draw their attention.

He had learned his mistake after almost being dusted by an extremely unstable SwapDream variant simply for breathing too loudly. Thankfully, severely overpowered entities like that weren't too common, but Fresh was careful not to be too much a nuisance just in case. 

"Hi mister Sect! It's really really nice to meet you! My name is Ink!" they giggled, unbothered when the parasite pulled the babybones into his arms. In fact, the ink seemed ecstatic to be lifted, tiny hands reaching and touching the various colored patches he wore.

"There's a whole lotta Inks out in the multiverses, lil dude. How 'bout we come up with a rad new nickname?" the parasite suggested. He had no intention of letting something so rare simply rot away in this place. For an entity that thrived on chaos, on excitement, the babybones seemed like just the thing to brighten his existence!

The creator looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded with a determined expression. "Okay! But I wanna have a cool name like you!"

Sect grinned, pleased that they were so receptive to his suggestion. "How about..." he paused for a moment, taking a moment to consider. "Ducky?" he teased playfully.

"Ducky!" the babybones cheered, clearly having immediately claimed the name without a moment of hesitation. "Ducky, Ducky, Duck, Duck!

Sect had fully expected the babybones to deny the name. He had intended to play around with a few more before suggesting a serious one. Still, it could have been worse. At least the chosen name was fairly unassuming, unthreatening - if anything, the childish name would probably help with their chances of survival.

After all, those who survived travelling multiverses typically fit into four categories; extremely powerful, manipulative as hell, extremely slippery (in the sense of managing to escape threats), or being endearing. The most powerful threats were almost always psychotic, the kind that would only spare others on a whim.

Ducky was, seemingly, going to fit into the latter category. They didn't seem to have much self preservation, but being a child - and probably an eternal child, if their STATS were anything to go by - Sect could teach them all sorts of emotional manipulation.

"Glad ya like the name, lil Ducky bruh," he chuckled, knowing it was too late to suggest any other name. The smile plastered across his features was just a little more genuine than it typically was in that moment, too. He couldn't help but find the babybones adorable. "So, do ya wanna learn about the totes rad omniverse?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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