Highly Flammable field

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"Pikachu, i choose you!"

"Beedrill, Show them your excellence!"

"Umm... are you sure you want to do this?" Ash asked unsure

"What!" Jeanette asked confused

"You know Pikachu is very exited today and well... I'm sure he can take all you Pokémon. I mean you have a Beedrill for a opener in Pokemon League are you trying to insult me or something? I mean who the hell would use a Beedrill in pokemon league of all things?" Ash asked incredulous

"Damn straight!" Pikachu agreed

"You arrogant little! Beedrill Twineedle!"

Ash got a wild grin on his face, "Pikachu you know what to!"

Pikachu dodged the stingers made a ball of water on his tail and launched it into the sky, in a few moments the rain started.

"What could rain do hah!" Jeanette scoffed

Ash grin became even wilder somehow.

"Charge beam! keep it going!"

"Poison sting! distroy them!"

Pikachu rapidly made balls of electricity and launched them at the poison stings, at first they were weak, but they continued the attack and Pikachu became stronger.

"Now, Thunder!"

Jeanette looked horrified at that, knowing she can't do anything at this point. Pikachu jumped back, distroying the remaining sting with a wave of electricity. Beedrill sharpened his stringers nervously, Pikachu grinned just as wild as Ash and launched gigantic bolt of lightning. A moment later Beedrill lay there, obviously unconscious scorched and smoking in the now blackened grass.

Pikachu defeated Beedrill.

Pikachu earned:- 5,000 XP points.

Pikachu's XP points :- 50,000/15,450

Jeanette recalled her Beedrill.

"Scyther, Show them your excellence!"

"This time I will distroy that little shit!" Jeanette exclaimed

"Not so lady like are you? or maybe you are just a bug meniac under all that makeup?" Ash Baited

And it looks like she took the bait.

"Arrrg! Scyther Slash that rat into bits!"

"Counter with Iron tail!"

Scyther slashed down with both arms.

Pikachu protect himself with a Iron tail.

At this point the rain stopped.

"scy!" Scyther growled

"You know if I was you I would back away!" Pikachu grinned and sparked, paralyzing him.

The now paralyzed Scyther froze for just a moment, but that's all Pikachu needed. Pikachu jumped back and jumped above Scyther and slammed his still irony tail on top off Scyther's head. Scyther fell face first on the ground.

"Told you so." Ash said playfully


Scyther quickly got and slashed wildly at Pikachu, Pikachu being his speedy self dodged them all.

"I didn't know Slowpokes could even have wings?" Pikachu snarked and giggled allwhile dodging Scyther's scythes.

"SCY!!!" Scyther roared in anger and his slashes became wilder and sloppier.

"Disarming voice!"

Pikachu smirked and let out a horrible screech that send Scyther stumbling back.

"Now! Discharge!"

Pikachu caught his breath and let out violent discharge of electricity. The discharge created a bright flash blinding the opposite trainer, Ash already knowing the consequences hid his eyes behind his hands. All everyone could hear was Pikachu panting and cry of pain from Scyther.

A moment later the light disappeared.

Pikachu was on all fours panting and facing the now unconscious and scorched bug type.

"Grr! Bellsprout distroy that little beast!"

Pikachu had a tired but feral grin on his face mirroring Ash's own grin.

"Pikachu, show the real speed Agility!"

Pikachu zoomed around the grass type very fast, he was so fast Ash could almost couldn't spot him.

Bellsprout just blinked and let out a confused "Sprout!"

"Razor leaf!"

"Jump back and use Swift!"

Pikachu jumped high avoiding the sharp leaves entirely and let out several medium sized homing stars out of his tail as he span and landed.

Surprisingly Bellsprout didn't try to dodge or intersect the nevermissing move. the stars hit Bellsprout on the head sending him tumbling back.

Pikachu followed with a Play rough but after just two punch Bellsprout retaliated with a hard kick to Pikachu between his legs.

Pikachu fell down clutching his Poké-Balls.

Every male in the area winesed.

"Pikachu, d-do you want to continue?" Ash asked

"Hah! that what you for messing with my Pokemon!" Jeanette scoffed.

Ash gave her a murderous look.

Pikachu sparked violently he quickly got up and punched Bellsprout in the face with a thunder punch.

"Ok Tinkle Twig I'll fucking snap you in half you leafy basturd!!!"

Pikachu launch a Electro ball following it with a Swift attack. the electro ball stunned Bellsprout and took the Swift attack head on literally.

Pikachu used Dubble team while Bellsprout was recovering and followed up with a Play rough.

It seemed like several Pikachus were beating the little grass type mercilessly. Bellsprout tryed to kick him several times but was unable to because every time he did so an afterimage took the blow.

"Umm... i think the Bellsprout is already unconscious." the referee stated

Ash jumped into the and picked upped the angry Pikachu, though not before one final Thunder bolt to the unconscious and near death Bellsprout.

The Gamer window popped into existence infront Ash. but he didn't bother to notice, and took Pikachu to Nurse Joy for his Poké-balls.

Thank you all, who Followed, reviewed, favrated, and who took the time to read my fic.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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