The Ice Field

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The Ice Field

"Charizard, I choose you!" Ash let out his Charizard.

"Cloyster, Go!" Pete let out his Cloyester on the ice field.

"Cloyester, use Hydro pump!"

"Charizard, use Steel wing to protect yourself!"

Charizard landed on the ice and crossed his wings.The wings turned metallic, covering his body in a metallic sheild.

Cloyester launched a stream of high pressured water at Charizard, the attack did little damage to Charizard's wings.

Charizard uncrossed his wings still metallic, roared and flew farward, the metallic colour shifting from his wings to his tail.

Cloyester seeing Charizard so close, closed his shell in fear.

Charizard span in mid air and slammed his tail on the shell. Cloyester flew back inbedding him in the wall and cracking his shell.

Charizard knowing Cloyester is still able to fight used his favourite move, Flamethrower.

After a few seconds Cloyester's shell opened, showing that indeed Cloyester is unable to fight.

Cloyester's image went gray.

Charizard defeated Cloyester

Charizard gained :- 4,000 XP points.

Charizard's XP points :- 45,000/7,767

"Great job Charizard!" Ash grined

Charizard roared in victory and used a Flamethrower in air.

"Golduck, Go!"

"Charizard, return! Bulbasaur, I choose you!"

"Golduck, Psychic!"

"Bulbasaur, Protect!"

Golduck used the strong psychic type move but was negated by Bulbasaur's Protect barrier.

"Again, Psychic!"

"Arrg, Sunny day!"

Golduck again used the psychic type move but this time was successful. but not before Bulbasaur shoting a ball of sun light in the sky and sun light became brighter. Golduck levitated Bulbasaur in the air slammed him twice on the ice, cracking it and then flinging him in the air. Bulbasaur cryed in pain went flying.

Ash smirked "Bulbasaur, Solar beam! Now!"

"Golduck, get away break the ice Brick break!"

"Don't let him, Power whip!"

As Golduck broke the ice he was captured by a strong dark green vine that was thinker than any vine whip, by still in mid air charging Bulbasaur, who was at this point over charging the solar attack, holding a grudge against Golduck about the Psychic earlier.

Golduck was scratching and clawing at the vine for on avail.

Finally Bulbasaur unleashed the over powered beam of sunlight. the beam of sunlight engulfed Golduck and the ice underneath. Slowly the light dissipated, revealing the scorched and unconscious Golduck floating in the ice now water.

Bulbasaur retracted the power whip and unleashed four vine whips. landing safely with the help of the vines.

"Hah, loser no water type can defeat me!" Bulbasaur smirked at Golduck and retracted his vines landing on his paws.

Golduck's image went gray.

Bulbasaur defeated Golduck

Bulbasaur gained :- 4000 XP points

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