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NOTES: Thank you for all the comments! AAAAAAH 

Warnings: This happened somewhere between Rhaenyra's crowning and Storm's End

And I changed Jon's name to Haemon cause there's already too many Aegon's in there, c'mon (also, Aemond would never believe he named his son after his brother lol)

"Jon!" Daenerys cried, the pain, the impotence of knowing it was the end and that nothing she did would change it almost debilitating her.

They'd lost, they lost in Winterfell and at every other battle they went to – the white walkers pushing forth through Westeros until they reassembled in King's Landing and tried one last time.

It was the end of the war, the end of the world, and they had failed to stop it.

She pushed past the people running on the streets of King's Landing, trying to catch sight of that beautiful dark hair of his as the commoners ran from the white walkers.

She couldn't find him, she needed to find him before something bad happened, she needed to be with him and bring with her to where they'd left Drogon and Rhaegal. They needed to leave now.

Where was he? Where was he?


She saw him before he saw her, his fringe all but glued to his forehead as it dripped with sweat and blood from a cut right above his eye. He had Longclaw craved onto a white walker's throat and when he pulled it out, the thing crumbled down the floor.

She stood her ground against the bodies that bumped into her, thankful that her hair was covered by fabric and no one would try to stab her while fleeing – and shouted for him again, extending a hand for him to hold. Jon didn't waste a second before grabbing onto it and letting her guide him through the streets towards the place she knew her children were waiting for her.

Right, left, right, left. She pushed past and ignored every and each person that was on their way.

The dragons were beautiful as they stood in the rocks that were bathed by Blackwater. Drogon roared once he saw her running towards him, laying his wing on the ground so she could climb over him faster.

"Daeny!" Jon ran past her, pulling her along with him and her feet barely touched the ground with how fast he was going. "They're coming!"

Fear grabbed a hold of her chest, but she didn't look back, not wanting to miss her concentration and trip. Breathing was already difficult enough and she needed to maintain her rhythm or she would be the reason for Jon and her children's deaths.

They got to Drogon's and Rhaegal's side just in time for Rhaegal to roar fire into the white walkers around them and she wasted no second before climbing onto Drogon, knowing Jon would be climbing on Rhaegal. She grabbed onto Drogon's scales. "Sōves! Sōves, Drogon!"

Drogon roared, enraged, and from the corner of her eye, she saw him, walking past the fire unharmed and holding that miserable spear of his. The Night King. Daenerys wanted him dead, she wanted to charge onto him and to crave Valyrian Steel onto his chest herself. Everything inch of her wanted him to die by fire, but it was impossible and they were surrounded. She couldn't let her rage take over her rationality and risk Jon, Rhaegal and Drogon in the process.

Feeling her facial figures contort with rage, she shouted at Drogon to fly away once again, but it was too late. Before they could fly past the buildings, the spear found its way onto their direction and a blue light took over her sight, blinding her.

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