0001 | Who Changed You?

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"Do you think a mere werewolf can marry Alpha's son?"

"I doubt that will happen. Take Patricia, for example. She is currently mated to Derrick, but without the ability to control elemental powers, everyone rejects her without her knowledge!"

"Do you pity her?"

"No way! Every woman in the pack wants to be her! Derrick accepted her even if she was useless. But I guess Alpha Dimitri won't bless their union."

"I think so, too! But I heard bigger news from my cousin!"

"Me, too! Was it about Stephanie's accident?"

"That's right! We truly have the same set of news in the morning! I heard she got into an accident and miscarried the baby in her womb!"

"I bet Patricia wasn't even aware that her sister betrayed her back and spent a night in her mate's bed! It was very exciting. Just imagine two sisters fighting for the Alpha's son!"

"I also heard Stephanie demanding marriage for the sake of losing her first child with Derrick! Poor Patricia, she will be driven away sooner or later by someone she loves the most."

The door of the hospital's comfort room closed when three women working left after their wash break. Patricia, who was hiding in one of the cubicles, swallowed the pain that was clawing at her heart. Tears welled in her eyes as she tried to digest what she heard from the pack members.

'Was I the last to know? No! It's impossible for my sister to betray me. They must be lying! They should be sowing discord.'

Patricia had been in a long engagement with her childhood sweetheart and mate, Derrick Silverwood, the next Alpha of the Silverwood Pack. Growing up, she had put every ounce of trust in her sister and Derrick. She relied on them to have reasons to continue living, but she felt confused after she accidentally eavesdropped on other people's conversations.

A message notification suddenly popped up on her phone. The Alpha requested her presence in his office. She disregarded her doubts and controlled her facial expression. The redness in her eyes was gone, and even her rapid heartbeat returned to normal.

When she reached their alpha's office, she was surprised to see some of her documents on his table. "Alpha!"

"Sit down, child. I suppose you are wondering why I called you here."

Nervousness and anxiety slowly filled her heart. "Do you need something from me, Alpha?"

"Very straightforward! That's what I like about you." Alpha Dimitri smiled, but there was no enthusiasm in his eyes. "Your sister miscarried Derrick's child because of stress, which was likely caused by you. They have long wanted to tell you about their relationship, but they were afraid of hurting you."

"What do you mean, Alpha?"

"Just what you think! Do not treat it as them betraying you. You need to think beyond the boundaries. Their union is for the benefit of the pack. At first, your sister offered to carry Derrick's child, which you could never give him. But I suggest it's better for her to also take your position as the future Luna. I want you to face the truth. Your sister is much stronger than you."

Patricia was too shocked to react. Her fingers were trembling, just like her lips. She was speechless with the terrible insights she heard from the man she treated as her second father.

She wanted to speak up for herself, but it seemed like all the words were stuck in her throat.

"Do not worry about them. I have other plans for you." Alpha Dimitri retrieved a folder from his drawer and gave it to her. "This is a severance letter from the pack. You will marry in the Darkwinter Pack three days later. You will sign this agreement today and leave later at night. The warriors will escort you safely to reach the Northern Pack."

As if manipulated by another force, Patricia's hand touched the pen offered to her and signed the letter. Tears welled in her eyes as drops of blood stained the contract. When the blood came into contact with the paper, it burned into the ashes of nothingness.

"The contract also stated that you have fully rejected my son as your mate. Now, you need to mention the rejection verbally for it to take full effect." Alpha Dimitri's words were filled with hypnosis, and she was not strong enough to break free.

"I, Patricia Collins, hereby reject Derrick Silverwood as my soul mate." Her heart was full of bitterness when other people decided on her future.

"Your things have been packed by the servants. You can wait patiently in one of the guest rooms near the territory's border. I hope never to meet you in this life, Patricia. Let my son find his own happiness."

Alpha Dimitri called on the guards, and the warriors escorted her till she reached the border. All the things she owned were packed and sent ahead. Her eyes were empty as she sat in the room, looking like an imprisoned bride. Her heart shattered at the mere thought of confirming her sister's relationship with her mate.

'She craved power, and I know what lengths she would willingly go to get what she wanted. Maybe I was too confident that my sister would never betray me. Or maybe I trusted my mate's love to let them be close to each other when I had no time to come over. Or maybe I was too naive of the hate that everyone showed me.'

Patricia smiled deprecatingly.

'They want me to be gone.'

Patricia never thought she'd fall asleep, but she was already in an unfamiliar room when she woke up. There was an arm around her waist. Warm breath fanning against her neck. And the powerful heartbeat of the person lying next to her made her mind blank.

She cautiously turned her head to check who the culprit was, but the man's godly face greeted her.

"Are you finally awake?" The man's deep voice sent shivers down her spine, and her breathing became erratic.

The unfamiliar massiveness of the room made it clear to her that it did not belong to the pack house. She pretended to stay calm but her mind was wandering somewhere else.

"You are?"

Forced to Marry the Disabled Werewolf PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now