"Group hcs!"

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-None of them believe in sitting correctly. They will sit on the floor, they will sit upside down, they will curl up in the most awkward positions. Some of them will sit on windowsills, other people's laps, or just stand up. They hate sitting normally.

-Ashlyn and Aiden have an odd habit of collecting baby animals. Ashlyn owns three frogs and Aiden owns a baby chicken he found. The group thinks it's kinda weird, but they don't judge.

-All of them are insomniac, not just because of the phantom stuff but because they hate sleeping. Taylor and Tyler used to get bad night terrors a little while after their dad died, and gained insomnia. Ben would sit awake at night, thinking of the things the bully's said, and after he lost his voice he would stay awake to sneak out to fight. Aiden was just depressed as a kid and couldn't sleep in general. Logan would stay up (when he was 3-7) and listen to his parents just yell and hate each other, then when he moved in with his grandparents he already had developed insomnia from paranoia that something would happen. Ashlyn would get phantom headaches or whatever specifically during the night, because that's when they were most active.

-Aiden, Taylor, and Logan's love language is physical touch, while Ashlyn, Tyler, and Ben only allow certain people. Those certain people are, you guessed it, each other. So if someone needs a hug, they will all cling to that person. Sometimes, they will just randomly sit on each other's laps without hesitation. Aiden, Taylor, and Logan genuinely love head pats and the others give them head pats randomly. In conclusion, they are all touch starved even if three won't admit it.

-They are all learning ASL. Not just because Ben can't speak, even though that's the main reason. The other reason is that Ashlyn will go nonverbal is she gets heavily overstimulated, especially at school, so they do basic hand gestures to communicate with the two. It also helps in the phantom world, if they need to keep it down.

-Horror movies don't really bother them but they would much rather watch bluey or sum shit. They also watch blues clues, dora but just to roast the fuck out of her, transformers, Pokémon, etc.

-Cried during the newest bluey episode. (The 30 minute long one)

-They all paint their nails. Like, Taylor would paint them all fancy, with lots of blues and whites. Aiden would either match Taylor, paint them as bright as the sun, or just black. Tyler might add a clear coat or have Taylor paint his light blue to match. Ashlyn uses whites, greens, and blacks. Logan would be forced to wear some so he stops biting his damn nails, they would be a light brown or white. Ben would wear white or clear with sparkles.

-you do NOT want to play against them in any sport, especially dodgeball. They all have p.e. Together and are literally banned from all being on the same team, because once when the other team had gotten all of their team out, except them. It didn't end well. Taylor and Tyler can get pretty competitive, Aiden shows no mercy, Ashlyn can and will drop into the splits to avoid getting hit, Ben catches every ball, and Logan has the best aim. You stand no chance against them, especially when they are together. When they get split apart, the match last all of p.e. Bc they are just that good.

-You know how the graveyard gang is essentially living 31 hours a day? Wouldn't it be cool if those extra seven hours affected their bodies in mundane ways? Like Ashlyn noticing that her hair is growing at much faster rate than she was used to, Aiden noticing that he's having to dye his hair more often to keep the dark roots that he hates from showing, Logan noticing that his nails are growing much faster than it used to because dirt kept getting stuck under them when he helped at the shop, the twins noticing that they'd grown a whole three inches in like two months. Ben's voice feels better, like it's super healing or sum. Stuff like that. Cause living a whole extra seven hours everyday is crazzzyyyy and has to have more of an effect on them.

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