Ellick fletc academy Part three

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Ellie sat on the edge of her desk, her fingers tapping nervously against the cold metal. The sterile fluorescent lights of the NCIS bullpen buzzed overhead, casting a harsh glow on the paperwork strewn across her workspace. She had been waiting for this moment—the results of her blood pregnancy test—ever since she'd stumbled into Palmer's office a week ago.

The door to the lab swung open, and Jimmy Palmer, the medical examiner, stepped out. His face was a mix of professional stoicism and curiosity. "Agent Bishop," he said, holding a thin envelope. "I have the results."

Eleanor's heart raced. She took the envelope, her fingers trembling as she tore it open. The words blurred together for a moment, and then they came into focus. Positive. The single word that would change everything.

She swallowed hard, her mind racing. She hadn't planned for this. Not now. Not when Nick Torres, the man she'd been secretly in love with, had disappeared without a trace during a training exercise at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC).

"Ellie?" Palmer's voice cut through her thoughts.

She looked up, her eyes meeting his. "I'm pregnant," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Palmer's eyebrows shot up. "Congratulations," he said, his professional demeanor slipping for a moment. "Is this... good news?"

Eleanor's gaze drifted to the bullpen. Her team—Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Timothy McGee, and Anthony DiNozzo—were huddled around their desks, their heads bent over case files. They were like family to her, and she knew she had to tell them.

"Nick," she said, her voice stronger now. "The father is Nick Torres."

Palmer's eyes widened. "Torres? But he's—"

"Missing," Eleanor finished for him. "He disappeared a week ago during a training exercise. No one knows where he is."

Palmer's expression softened. "Eleanor, I'm so sorry."

She nodded, her hand instinctively resting on her still-flat stomach. "I need to find him," she said. "For our child."

Palmer glanced toward the bullpen. "You'll have the team's support," he said. "We'll find him."

before making her way back to the bullpen, Bishop headed towards the forensics lab, where Abby was busy analyzing DNA samples under the dim glow of her neon skull lamp when Ellie walked into her lab. The younger agent looked pale, her normally vibrant eyes shadowed with worry.

"Hey, Ellie," Abby greeted, noticing the tension in her colleague's shoulders. "What's eating at you?"

Ellie hesitated, then blurted out, "Abby, I'm pregnant."

The words hung in the air, and Abby's brain took a moment to process them. Pregnant? Ellie? The woman who dissected computer code like it was a crime scene? Abby's mind raced, connecting the dots. She knew about Ellie's recent relationship with a fellow analyst, but this news was unexpected.

Abby's reaction was a mix of surprise, excitement, and concern. She jumped up from her stool, nearly knocking over her Caf-Pow! cup. "Oh my God, Ellie! That's incredible!" Her voice pitched higher with each word. "You're going to be a mom!"

Ellie's expression shifted from anxiety to a tentative smile. "Yeah, it's... a lot to take in."

Abby grabbed Ellie's hands, her eyes wide. "Don't worry. We've got this. You're going to be an amazing mom. And I'll be your unofficial godmother slash babysitter slash confidante."

Ellie chuckled. "Thanks, Abby. I appreciate it."

Abby's mind raced with possibilities. Baby booties with tiny skulls embroidered on them. Late-night diaper changes while discussing quantum mechanics. And maybe, just maybe, she'd convince Gibbs to knit a onesie with "Future NCIS Agent" on it.

But then reality hit. Gibbs. The stoic boss who rarely showed emotions. How would he react to the news? Abby imagined him raising an eyebrow, grunting something cryptic, and then secretly knitting a baby blanket in his basement.

"Speaking of reactions," Abby said, her eyes narrowing playfully, "have you told Gibbs yet?"

Ellie's smile wavered. "Not yet. I'm not sure how he'll take it."

Abby leaned in, her voice conspiratorial. "Trust me, Ellie. Gibbs has a soft spot for family. He'll surprise you."

as she made her way back to the bullpen, Eleanor cleared her throat. The team looked up, their eyes questioning. She took a deep breath, her heart pounding.

"Listen up," she said, her voice steady. "I have news. Personal news." She paused, her gaze locking with each of theirs. "I'm pregnant."

Gibbs raised an eyebrow. "Congratulations," he said gruffly.

"But there's more," Eleanor continued. "The father is Nick Torres."

The room fell silent. McGee's jaw dropped, and Tony's eyes widened. Gibbs simply nodded; his expression unreadable.

"We need to find him," Eleanor said. "He's out there somewhere, and he needs to know."

Gibbs stood, his chair scraping against the floor. "We'll find him," he said. "For you. For Torres. And for that kid."

As the team rallied around her, Eleanor felt a mix of fear and determination. She was carrying a secret—a life—that tied her to the man she loved. And she would move heaven and earth to bring him home.

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