Jackson teller and Kristina Davis son of anarchy and General hospital Pt2

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The hours ticked on, while Gemma, Clay and Kristina were pondering out the conditions of the deal. While the other members were waiting frivolously for the trio to come out of the back office.
Jackson in particular couldn't keep his mind off,Kristina or the events of the evening they spent together
"This seat taken" Jax asked pointing at the seat next to her, already knowing the answer
"Nope all yours" she said kindly not looking up from her drink
"Jackson"He introduced himself before lending his hand out for her to shake
"Kristina" she shook his hand politely refusing to meet his eyes
"So what's a beautiful woman like yourself doing in charming" she tried the hint of blushing before answering cryptically
"Work" he could see the crypticness in her answer but deciding not to push further.
"What about you, why is a handsome man like yourself so interested in little ole me,someone you'll probably never see again?"
He thought hardly about the question for a moment before answering
"Not sure yet, but you do" with that he held out his hand walking them to a more private booth away from the speakers
"So do you live in charming or are you visting aswell?" She asked genuinely for the first time that evening
" I live here always have, how about you what side of the world are you from?" She paused for a moment deciding how honestly she wanted to answer the question.

Jax was pulled out of his flashback train when the trio finally exited out of the office. Happiness enamored their facial expressions, much to the relief of the rest of the club, who went on to their normal routines and antics. Gemma and Clay walked away from the woman before she started to make her way to the door. Jax in a moment of what some will call weakness, he came up to the woman and lead her to the chapel. He needed answers from her about who she really was and what  she wanted with SAMRCO?

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