"I'm sorry Cal, I didn't want to feel left out."

"It's okay buddy, in your own time." Michael said, patting Luke's shoulder.

✿  ✿  ✿


It got to almost one in the morning before Hayley and Calum had finally made their way back home. She gave him an awkward half hug (although she wanted more but was afraid he wouldn't want to hold her for any longer than those few seconds) and then he was gone. His key twisting in the lock echoed through the whole building.

"Where have you been?"

Her mum wasn't happy with her being back so late, but since Hayley lied and said her and Macy were having a girls night (watching totally innocent chickflicks and absolutely not being anywhere near any boys) the disagreement settled pretty quickly and she could go to bed.

"Don't stay up any later, you'll get problems with your sleeping pattern."

She didn't stay up late because she wanted to. Hayley just couldn't sleep.

The problem, however, wasn't her sleeping pattern; the main problem was lying in the bed just a few meters above her. And she didn't know how to solve it.

halsey: are you awake

ashtern: nope

halsey: im an idiot

ashtern: only sometimes ;-) whats up?

ashtern: actually don't say it we all saw

halsey: i need advice

ashtern: what am i your love doctor

halsey: i don't know how to be just friends with calum

ashtern: ugh call me

She called him soon after, and Ashton picked up straight away.

"Love doctor speaking, what's your emergency?"

"I like a boy who only wants to be friends with me," she whispered.

He groaned. "That's bullshit, you know he wants more than that. Everyone knows that. You're both just too scared to say it."

"I'm telling you now, I really like him."

"Yeah, you're telling me. But you should be telling him that."

"I can't, I don't want to ruin it again."

"I saw you sitting there all cute with each other. Don't tell me the reason you couldn't get up to get the popcorn wasn't because he had a boner because he totally did."

"Oh god. He might have," Hayley said. Luckily Ashton couldn't see her blushing like mad.

"You don't know?"

"Okay fine he did," she said, cringing. "But I was doing it as a friend, you know, helping him hide it so you guys wouldn't make fun of him for it."

"Hayley, friends don't help friends hide the wood."

"Can we please not talk about his thing? I really need your help."

"It's pains me to see you want each other so much but holding back only because you've decided to be friends."

"It's the only way I can be close to him. He doesn't want me as more than a friend right now, and I love him but I'll be happy with what I can get."

"So if he brought a girl over, would you care?"

Way to get a girl to feel like stabbing herself in the heart with a blunt object. The pain seeped through her body.

"He's already done that once, of course I'd care if the guy I like sleeps with another girl," she said slowly. "It would break my heart, but I wouldn't stop loving him. I'd absolutely hate it, but there's not much I can do to avoid hearing it if he did, he's my neighbour."

"Yeah, but not for long."

"Sorry what?"

"Oh," Ashton said, "never mind. I'm just saying you should act on your feelings. "

"And if I don't?"

"Then you'll most likely end up a cat lady."

"Wow, cheers."


not true, the cat lady is me

mikey is the kitten

*whispers* love me *slowly exits the room*

rewrote this three times

now I'm gonna go have chocolate ice cream as a reward

go me and go luke for being the sneakiest virgin bitch i know



thin walls / calum hoodDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora