XI. Telling a story

Start from the beginning

“My sister would never have used witchcraft. You only wish to ruin her, even though she is no more, and covet Sire's gift for your own selfishness.”

The silence of the ballroom around her, speaks of the wisdom of the past, as a chilling air stirs. “Had I chosen to lie, I would not be standing before you.”

Her eyes brim with a bitterness, that I too, hold. “It's of little wonder that you were cast aside so brutally,” she whispers

“Just as your sister would have been, had I not killed her. Growing old, ugly and unloved. Her death was my kindest gift. Though it was merely to entertain prince Kovan, after all, that is the sole reason for my presence here at court. To entertain him.”

“And are you, entertained?” I meet his gaze, as he sits lounging in delight and unmoved by his mistress's death. “Truly, more than you know. Your ruthlessness is beautiful, little bird, and so will your punishment be.” His expression is one of angelic favour, even as he twists the bond between us.

The weight of his presence within me, beginning to douse the flame, nourished with a hope unknown. A fragile burning that longs to live, nestled into the blackness of vengeance still plaguing my heart. Yet, as he walks towards me, I see my death in his eyes. My time having run out, but as I look upon him, I know that my torment thus far will pale in comparison to my coming death.

Summoning his guards with a subtle gesture, they appear almost at once, their grip as iron. Holding my arms, as Kovan comes to a stop before me. “I see that you have come to realise, little bird, that I no longer have a need for you.” I feel a shudder of revulsion as he strokes my hair, as you would a beloved pet. Though I know that I will never be loved by him.

Taking a short sword from another servant, the golden blade catches the light, dripping black droplets onto the floor. The strong odour is one I recognise. Known as scarlet hawthorn, and for inducing blood flow while slowing the healing of vampires.

Holding the blade, Kovan lifts my chin, my skin splitting from his deliberate carelessness. “Step away from her.” My arms are released just as I feel the familiar piercing oppression. "Raise your arms above you, little bird, and hold them there.”

Laughter echoes as smiles and darkness swirl in the eyes of those still watching, but my arms, with Kovan's will, betray me, rising into the air. In bearly a moment that would be enough for another to breathe, the swing of his blade arcs, slashing across my wrists. Blood pours, streaming down my arms in trails of scarlet flowing over my hair.

My fingertips tense as I swallow the pain, feeling a rising burning at the back of my throat, as my eyes begin to warm in a soft red haze. “I hope you'll enjoy your first taste of bloodlust, little bird. Especially as such a feast is awaiting you.” Darting forward, his lips press upon mine, licking the blood from my skin, as I listen to his whispers. “Relax; I will carry you.”

My skin burns as I fight to free myself of his influence, yet every struggle leads to nothing more than a twitch. I briefly see the crowd parting, as Kovan carry's me through the ballroom and palace halls.

The winds cutting in their frostiness, through the open doors. I feel as we step up and settle back, glimpsing the sumptuous seating of the carriage. “Seen as we have this time together, would you like me to tell you a story, little bird?” His voice is soft, almost comforting as he cradles me. “Long ago, my six brothers and I, were born from three sirens as old as time itself, moved to tears by the sacrifice of a father for the life of his son, their tears along with the blood of the sacrificed mortal, fell into Sire's lake of creation, bearing the seven of us. We were born in Callisto, a land of the occult, where the hidden and the lost dwell, a place of gods and goddesses.”

I feel as he smiles against my brow, but the ache in my throat is a tormenting heat, drawing my thoughts to nothing but the need to feed. “When I discovered these lands of Beltane, my brothers and I fled here, leaving our mothers' behind. For as beautiful as Callisto is, the lands are woven by gods, but you, Wren, with your pure soul, allowed me to gain the immortality of a god; yet now you have betrayed me. I have seen your closeness with my brother, Lorne.”

Hearing his name leaves a yearning in me that even Kovan and bloodlust can not dim, but Kovan must sense my feelings, as he tenses. “You feel for him, even as you love me. I thought that he would toy with you, breaking you further, but, he has not. A weakness in him has given in to his desire for you, but neither of you will find the other. You will always be apart. If only you had been obedient, little bird, you would have lived beside me, owning you, always. But now, you will suffer at the hands of those who you have brought hope to, with your healing. You have sought death, just as your parents had, when they offered you to me and after the ritual, I killed them. Though I know you thought them to be, still alive.”

Thoughts and feelings swirl in chaos and exhaustion, but the deaths of my mother and father are neither pleasant nor plagued with sadness. The carriage rolls and rocks to the sound of the horses hooves, flashes of the mountains seem closer than ever as we begin to slow, and the scent of blood flows through the air. My limbs seize, a sharpness to my movements as I sit up, gripping the carriage door so harshly, the wood cracks, splitting and shattering.

Laughing, Kovan narrows his eyes in a thrill of delight. “The scent of blood is always welcome, especially when it is of someone dear.”

Tearing my gaze away from the trail leading to the mountain clans, I look to him. “By the scent of the blood, it seems that violet has met her end. A pity, when she came to warn Ravenheart and Willowbrook of my slaughtering of the Earthwitch clan, she had valiantly defended you. A shame that Kell convinced them that Violet has been turned by you, and her loyalty was because of her bond as your thrall. Though he only spoke, that asked of him by me.” Grasping my wrist, he pulls my closer. “How do you feel, little bird, knowing that if Violet had fled, she would still have lived. Yet her selflessness and loyalty to you, allowed me to orchestrate her death, just as I have with yours and Lorne's.”

As his words swim to me through my red haze of worsening bloodlust, I give way to my loathing. Leaping, I pin him to the seat, swiping his face with my talons in a bloody slash, before gouging his neck and chest, thoughts of Violet and Lorne vivid in my mind. I may not have known either very well, but after years of isolation and torment by Kovan, I thought that I had become consumed by coldness and vengeance. Yet the time I have spent, and been spending with them, has shown me otherwise.

Swiftness flows through my blood fuelling my bitterness and longing, held for so long, but Kovan having gained god-like strength, rips me away from him, as I shatter the side of the carriage. Beneath me, the snow turns the colour of rich red wines as my wounds drip, my neck and chest still smeared with my own blood.

Loathing and vengeance, burn with a feverish glow, as he and I stare at one another, his eyes lustfully awaiting my death. Our past lingers between us, as our deep burgundy blood flows, red being the colour of love and passion, but dark red being our colour of love so awry. The darker our shade, the darker the peril, to the ruin of all. Our love having brought a darkness to so many, and so many more to come, as I clutch my throat, curling to the side. “Little bird, I will miss you...”

Dragging me up to my feet, after descending from the carriage, he carelessly strides away. His touch, I bearly feel, as another searing heat tightens around my wrist. Glancing down, Sire's snake catches my eye as their ruby eyes glisten. With the bloodlust and Kovan's words, the god of man and beasts gift, feels to be a blessing, as I slowly begin to part the fog of chaos, awakening to the weakened feeling of Kovan's iron oppression. Lowering its head, I watch as the serpent nuzzles my wrist, feeling the flick of its tail, before narrowing my eyes to Kovan's foreboding smile.

Thank you for reading ❤️
(Word count 2,227)

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