"Then use your wolf telepathy and tell them don't because my power is drained."

"I will, but I know it's not your power that's the problem. You reek of anxiety El, it's not subtle either."

"I know, I don't know why, but it just randomly came over me, the anxiety."

"It's okay. Need me to pull over?" He glances at me then back at the road.

"No, it's- I'm fine. Just drive." I gently squeeze his hand.
"The O'Hara?" I hear someone ask with shock.

"That's what El said."

"An O'Hara ratted her out to be a threat?"

"Probably Xenikia, El did through her into a tree."

"What'd Xenikia do to her? I know Liz, she wouldn't randomly attack someone."

"She broke your mother's music box."

I walk in and the conversation stops. The two turn and look at me with confused looks. I shrug and give them the 'what?' look. Gabe crosses his arms over his chest and raises and eyebrow at me. Jake does the same except with a smirk.

"Ya know, you two aren't even related, yet you give me the same look. Except Jacob's to quirky to hold a straight face around me." I cross my arms at my chest and cock out my hip with a slight smirk.

"Woah, that's a lot at one time from you." Peter chimes in. I turn to face him and flip him off. His eyes grow at least 500 times in size. I hear my boyfriend, and my brother chuckle as I walk over to my 'hideout'.

"Did she seriously just flip him off?" Seth asks with profound shock.

"Yeah, it's her new thing." Jake says with a shrug.

"You say it as if I'm a toddler." I growl poking my head over the arm of the couch.

"Well, it kind of is Lizzy." Gabe says using a nickname I haven't heard since a few weeks after mom died. I feel my face drop a little.

"You know better than to use that nickname." I hiss dropping myself back down into the corner wrapping myself up with the blanket I made Jared buy me.

"Better than me calling you-" Gabe starts before I cut him off. "Say it and I will brutally murder you." I snap popping back up over the arm of the couch.

"El calm down." Jake warns. I snap my head towards him before sliding back into the hole.
"Are you okay?" Jacob asks rubbing my back.

"If okay is shot nerves and severe anxiety, then yeah. I'm perfectly fine."

"Come here." Jake moves his arm and pulls me to his chest then kisses my forehead.

"I ju- I-I just- I never thought th-that he'd ever do a-anything like th-that to me." I sob into his chest. He rubs my back again.

"It's okay." Jake soothes. "It's okay." My sobs die down but the tears still flow. Jake pulls me back enough to see tear stained face. He takes his thumb and wipes away a tear. I rest my head on his shoulder, he pulls me onto his lap and plays with a strand of my hair.

First AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now