Her jealousy was very evident. Omer grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "Okay. So, how about we rectify that? A proper date this time, just you and me? We always have kids, school, or work."

Kivilcim's smile softened, her gaze warm as she nodded in agreement. 

Omer leaned forward slightly, his expression gentle yet curious. "By the way, Kivilcim, I can't help but ask. This Kayhan... Did he bother you last night?"

Kivilcim hesitated for a moment but liking his protectiveness,  her fingers stilling in her lap before she sighed softly. "It's nothing serious, just... typical stuff he does every time he comes back to Istanbul. He's just now a bit more persistent, trying to get back into my life, but I've made it clear it's not what I want."

Omer's brows furrowed in concern as he listened, sensing the weight of Kivilcim's words. "So there's no feelings between you two?"

Kivilcim sighed softly, her gaze distant for a moment before she met Omer's eyes with a resolute expression. "No, there aren't. That ship has sailed and sunk, Omer. I've moved on. Besides..." She paused, a shy smile playing on her lips. "I have a date with someone."

"Oh, really?" Omer's tone carried a mix of curiosity and amusement. "Do you like this person?"

Kivilcim thought for a second, a small smile tugging at her lips. "I don't know... Well, he's a little persistent. Says he's liked me since we first met, he's even a bit... creepy if I think about it"

Omer laughed. "Creepy? How so?"

"The man has been looking for me for 8 years."

Omer leaned back slightly, intrigued. "It seems he's... in love. At first sight."

Kivilcim responded with a silent smile. "but I think he's sweet. He's different from anyone I've dated before, in a good way."

Omer leaned back slightly, intrigued. "Different how?"

"He's... attentive, I suppose," Kivilcim explained, her gaze thoughtful. "He listens, really listens, you know?"

Omer nodded, absorbing her words with interest. "Well, I hope he knows how lucky he is to have a date with you," Omer said with a grin.

Kivilcim excused herself to go to the restroom. All the flirting was something she wasn't used to. Her skin felt hot and she became red. What am I doing? What is happening? She wondered silently to herself. She took a hand towel from the restroom and soaked it in cold water, placing it on her neck to cool down.

As Omer pulled up in front of Kivilcim's workplace, he glanced at himself in the rearview mirror, adjusting his tie nervously. This was their first official date, and he wanted everything to be perfect. As Kivilcim stepped out of the building, Omer's breath caught in his throat at the sight of her. She looked stunning in a simple yet elegant dress, her hair cascading in soft waves around her shoulders.

"Good Evening," Kivilcim greeted with a warm smile as she approached the car.

"Hi," Omer replied, his heart skipping a beat at her beauty. He opened the door for her, offering his hand to help her in.

As Kivilcim settled into the passenger seat, she couldn't help but notice a familiar figure from a distance. Kayhan had just picked up Cimen from school and was going to spend a day with her. She quickly looked away, hoping he hadn't noticed her.

Omer, sensing Kivilcim's discomfort, followed her gaze and spotted Kayhan lingering nearby. His jaw tightened slightly, a surge of protectiveness washing over him. But he maintained his composure, offering Kivilcim a reassuring smile.

"Ready?" he asked, his voice gentle yet determined.

Kivilcim nodded, forcing a smile despite the unease gnawing at her. "Yes, let's go."

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