Part 10

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Kayhan's gaze shifted to Doga who was playing with Metehan. Kivilcim felt a tinge of guilt as her gaze went between Doga and Omer. "I know, Kivilcim. I just... I miss Cimen. As her father, can I not see her? Look, you always create issues. "

Just as the tension threatened to reach its breaking point, Omer walked up, his brow furrowed with concern. "Is everything okay here?" he asked, his voice cutting through like a knife. Kivilcim's blood ran cold and her heart skipped a beat at the sight of Omer. She shifted her gaze towards Kayhan.

Omer stood beside Kivilcim and lightly placed his hand on the small of her back. "Kivilcim is this man bothering you?"

Omer glanced at Kayhan, whose expression remained inscrutable, a mask of indifference concealing whatever thoughts stood beneath the surface.

"Everything's fine, Omer," she replied, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "This is my ex-husband. We're just talking here."

Kayhan: "Who are you, can you let me talk to my wife? 

Omer was confused. He began to wonder if she was still married: Wife? Kivilcim?

Kivilcim ignored Omer's question and glares at Kayhan: "Kayhan I am no longer your wife. You seem to have forgotten.

Kayhan walked up to Kivilcim and began to point his finger at her: You're still the mother of my children, I don't care. You will watch who you speak to around my daughter. I still don't understand who this man is that's attached to you like a slug. Can you leave already?"

Kivilcim: Do I have to give an account of every person I speak to with you, Kayhan. Don't exaggerate now.

Omer: "Calm down a little and step away, won't you. We are in public and there are kids here. It would be a shame if I had to have you kicked out for trespassing" Omer said calmly. His tone really irritated Kayhan further.

Kayhan laughed: "And who are you to do that? You still haven't answered the question"

Omer: "I own this property. Now step away."

Kayhan: "Oh, so you're threatening to kick me out in front of my daughter. Kivilcim do you see how this lunatic is threatening to embarrass me in front of my daughter."

Omer: You're embarrassing yourself in front of your daughters. I don't have to do it. Kivlcim, let's go.

Kivilcim realized the tension was rising as he became protective of her. She gently put her hand on his arms and squeezed. Kayhan saw this and began to feel angry. "Omer, please. You go and I will come." Kivilcim said softly.

Kayhan: Yes, go, go go.

Omer rolled his eyes at the immature man. He looked at Kivilcim and decided not to insist, though the furrow in his brow deepened, sensing there was more to their exchange than met the eye. He decided to remove himself from the situation and wait by the car with the children.

Doga: Mr. Omer, can I show you a magic trick

Cimen & Metehan: OOh, let me see.

Omer: Sure, my sweetheart.

Omer would watch Kivilcim every now and then while also paying attention to Doga's little magic trick performance.

Doga: "Okay, watch closely, Mr. Omer. First, I'll need a coin. Do you have one?"

Omer laughed and reached into his pocket, fishing for a coin. "I think I do. Here you go."

Doga takes the coin. "Great! Now, watch carefully." She begins to perform a simple coin trick, making the coin disappear and reappear in unexpected places, eliciting amazed gasps from Metehan and Cimen.

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