Part 8

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Kivilcim began to have doubts about Omer and began to rethink telling him about Doga. All types of scenarios were being formed in her head. He was single and a bachelor after all, with no obligation to her. They weren't even together. However, these thoughts didn't leave her. If he had all types of beautiful women working for him, perhaps this would make him unreliable or a person who changes partners every week. She didn't think this lifestyle would translate very well with her daughter. 

Kivilcim fishes her phone out of her purse and dials Fatma's number in the restroom, her fingers trembling slightly with a mix of frustration and annoyance.

"Hey, love! How's the dinner with Omer going? Are you already done? Tell me all about it!"

"No, I excused myself to the restroom. Fatma, I need to talk to you. Something's happened, and I don't know what to do."

F: What's wrong? You're worrying me.

K: It's Omer... and his assistant, Leyla. They're... they seem very close. She's touching him and they laugh at each other's jokes.

F: Eeee?

K: What's that supposed to mean?

F: Are you jealous, Kivilcim?

K: No, I am not jealous. 

 F: And what lover, just the other day he was chasing you. I don't think he is the type of man to sweep you off your feet and have a fling with his assistant. You're scared and you're trying to convince yourself it won't work out. 

K: Fatma, don't you think you're defending him a bit too much?


As Kivilcim re-enters the room, she notices Omer and Leyla engrossed in discussion, their heads bent to the side looking over some documents as she points to where he should sign. She pushes her thoughts aside, determined to maintain her professionalism.

Omer, I think I will go ahead and head out. It's getting late. I have to see my girls and have an early start tomorrow.

Omer was saddened. He wanted to get to know Kivilcim more, but Leyla showed up and he had to get the signatures out of the way first. He noticed the change in her mood, but didn't understand what caused it. 

O: No, please stay. We could barely talk. It won't take much longer. I just have a few more pages to sign.

K: Really, I have to go. Thank you for the delicious dinner. 

Kivilcim was rushing to leave and put on her coat.

O: "Ok, you've made up your mind. In that case, I won't push you. But you owe me" Omer said jokingly.

Kivilcim forced a smile and nodded.


Kivilcim got into the steaming hot shower and tried to wash away her thoughts of Omer and Leyla. She put both of her hands against the shower wall, looking up as the water trickled down her hair and naked body. Thoughts of Leyla touching Omer's arm came to her mind as she tucked her hair behind her ear in a flirtatious manner. . Their laugh replaying in her ears. Kivilcim shook her head. Why am I thinking about them right now?

Kivilcim went into her daughter's room to check on them before she'd go to bed. They both seemed to be sleeping and just as she was about to close the door, Doga sat on her bed and called out for her Mom.

D: Mommy?

K: My sweetheart, you haven't slept yet? It's so late. I won't be carrying you to the school like last time. 

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