Chapter 63

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You were just packing your things because you're staying in hell for three days. The department responsible for the security of the forest have come up with a plan to get to the creatures earlier and reduce the accident rate. You give crash courses for the city from early morning until evening to prepare. There was no point in going home if you had to meet at 7am and still have to prepare everything and clean up by 11pm. Besides, you even have a meeting there with a summary and so on. That's why you all chose a hotel nearby.

The hotel have 8-bed rooms with bunk beds. You were a little pleased when you found out you were going to be in a room with Tim.

Fire and you went to hell together because he also had a meeting in his department today. You managed to jump over the hurdle without feeling bad. You and Fire often talked about your thoughts and feelings in bed at night, agreeing that you would protect Hell together, but that you wouldn't do everything together in the city administration. Everyone pursues their own interests and you bring a breath of fresh air into different administrations. It was almost like a side job for you, which became more and more fun.

Fire stopped in front of the hotel where you would be spending the night when he got out and said goodbye to you. "I'm really going to miss you," he said as he put your suitcase down next to you and closed the trunk. "I won't be gone forever. And we can write when I have time..." You said goodbye with a kiss and waved after him as he drove away. Only when he was gone did you realize that you really missed him too.

A tap on the shoulder snapped you out of the moment. You turned around and Tim was standing in front of you. "Hey Tim..." you were briefly surprised when you greeted each other. You walked in together and went to your room. You were the first to arrive, so you unpacked your things. One by one, the others arrived and soon you wanted to meet up to talk again in three big group.

Tim and you were together the whole time, which was really cool. In the room, you sat together in his bed and talked a bit more after everything was done for today. "Do you have someone in your sights? You must have women lying at your feet." "Yes... I've actually had a girlfriend since last month. I really hope things work out between us. I can really see us becoming something in the future. I'm a little envious of the relationship between you and Fire. You seem so happy, you have so many similarities, and you both are adding up so perfectly and make fun of each other without really meaning it. You trust each other blindly, that's what I want to achieve." "You're sweet... that between Fire and me... it just came with time... we really hated each other at first. Hard to think of it, I don't even know how or what we did to make our relationship so strong. One thing that brought us even closer together as we already were was our wedding day. That was such a beautiful day. I still can't quite believe that we will have been married for 5 years on Saturday. I hope he doesn't forget the date."

You talked long into the night when the others came back from their rooms and you all wanted to go to sleep. In the room group itself, you talked while you all got ready one by one so that you weren't on your phone the whole time. It was only just before you went to sleep that you went back to your chat. Fire had sent you a few messages and told you about his day. He was already asleep, so you only replied to his messages and wished him good morning already.

And so began three full days where you had little rest and were just looking forward to being with Fire again. Every minute you were eager for this moment to come sooner than you thought. You were standing by the road again, just waiting until you saw Fire's fancy car. Tim was still waiting with you. His route wasn't that far from the hotel and you hadn't really finished your conversation from breakfast.

A honk at the start of the road told you immediately who had honked. Your heart immediately started beating twice as fast as the car drove closer and closer to the parking lot until it was already parked next to you. He casually rolled down the window and leaned out with his elbows. "Did someone call a taxi?" he said casually and cool as he got out and hugged you tightly.

Smelling his scent again was like finally being able to breathe again. You then packed your things into the car as you drove Tim home quickly. Fires hand rested on your thigh as you talked about the whole day without stopping. He listened to you and gossiped with you.

When you got home, the next one was already waiting for you. Phantom was already standing in the doorway as he nervously watched you drive into the yard. "We've both been waiting every day for you to come back."

When the car stopped, you ran straight across the huge space to the stairs where Phantom was already coming towards you from upstairs. "Aice!!!" he shouted with joy as you picked him up again and spun around in circles with him. "I missed you Phantom!". Fire had just come to you with your little suitcase when you went in together.

There you also met a few others with whom you made small talk, as they were all interested. Even in the church, everyone was scared about what was going to happen and what would happen next. However, at some point you were pulled along by Phantom, who had to show you something, so you promised the others that you would continue the conversation later.

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