Chapter 58

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-about three months later-
*Fire's pov*

You assumed that today would be another normal day, like everyone else recently, but you guessed wrong . Even when you got changed at lunchtime today to go for breakfast, something was strange. Air had been awake for a while because she suddenly couldn't sleep at 6am. You didn't say anything else to her and rolled over to go back to sleep.

You were walking down the stairs when you noticed someone walking down the stairs from upstairs. You turned around and suddenly looked into Air's face. "I have to go, hell is in danger," she said as she stopped just before you. Just as she was about to go, you grabbed her by the forearm so that she turned back to you. "What? I have to go!" "Take care of yourself." you said calmly and gave her another kiss on the cheek before loosely reading her arm. She immediately tore herself away and turned around. But you were sure you could still see a small smile.

Her cloud of stress disappeared after a long time that you started to calm down again and you started to move again. Your fingers were still tingling because you would have loved to help her. Only she still thinks you lack a little practice to be risk-free. So you're looking forward protecting hell with her.

Your huge hunger was somewhat diminished by this brief adrenaline shock. With a small plate and a cup of cocoa, you sat down with the others who were still sitting at the table.

You didn't do much the whole afternoon. You finished the last pages of a book that Air forced you to read. Afterwards, you wanted to tidy up your room a bit and learned a new solo in the practice room. But the whole time you couldn't really concentrate because you simply didn't know what was going on in hell.

Suddenly there were loud screams echoing through the hallway and a few quick footsteps a little later. Confused, you carefully put your guitar aside and came out of the practice room. You looked left and then right into the hallway. At the end of the corridor, all you could see was the tip of a ghoul's tail standing in the other corridor. The air suddenly smelled thicker and your emotions suddenly went crazy. Emotions that you had never experienced before came into your head. Due to your high sensitivities as a chosen one, you were suddenly aware of what was going on around the corner.

Your feet automatically started moving as you suddenly found yourself at the end of the hallway with Mountain Terzo and Cirrus. Cirrus lay on the floor crying and cramping as her whole pants were wet, with a puddle already forming around her. Cirrus's water broke. "Fire... good that you're here... we need to get Cirrus to the infirmary now. The baby is coming." Terzo shouted at you a little, which he didn't realize because he was under a lot of stress.

You carefully lifted Cirrus with Mountain. After she got back on her feet, she suddenly didn't want us to touch her anymore and she wanted to walk to the infirmary on her own, but when she took a step and started to wobble, you had grabbed her again.

Cirrus had gripped Mountains hand tightly and she started screaming again because of the contractions, that same weird feeling from earlier was shooting through your body. Your whole body would have loved to be cramped in motion. More and more of Cirrus' new smell came into your nose, which intensified this feeling. Is that fatherly feelings? Or are you allergic to that?

"I can't do this..." you took a step back so that only Mountain was holding Cirrus. "I..." you just looked at Mountain's confused and panicked face as you took more and more steps back. You almost ran into Terzo, who gave you the same confused look as you turned on your heels and ran away.

A few Sisters were already at the spot where Cirrus' fear bubble had burst and started cleaning.

Your ears switched off completely as you arrived in your room. You slammed the door behind you and leaned your whole body behind it. Your heart rate began to rise so fast you felt like your heart was in your throat. You were about to drown in your pulse when your feet slipped off the floor and you slid along the rest of the door until you fell on your ass.

"Ouch..." you cursed as your ass hurt from carefully getting up. Standing up, you wiped your bottom briefly, hoping to blur the pain as you momentarily forgot the moment.

You let these thoughts replay slowly and in a controlled manner in your head, hoping to find a solution to what triggered it. However, you didn't come to any conclusions, but you were sure that you never wanted to experience these thoughts and feelings again. Deep in your mind you hid these things and locked them in a cage.

You took another deep breath as you opened the door and slowly walked towards the infirmary to assist Mountain or Cirrus.

Once there, you could still hear Cirrus' screams. However, you were now walking around with an imaginary shield and these feelings remained deep in your mind. Copia suddenly came running after you and also just seemed stressed.

"Fire... I need your help, come on." he said quickly so that you almost didn't understand. Carried by Copia, you came into the room. But you wanted to get out again. There was blood everywhere and Mountain was lying unconscious on the floor. What happened?

"Fire hold her hand." said Terzo, who was just pushing with Copia Mountain aside to make room for you. "You can do it Cirrus... you're a strong woman." you mumble to yourself, because you had the feeling she wasn't listening anyway and was busy with something else. "Push!" said a nurse when, at the same moment, your hand was ready to die. She's squeezing... but she just crushed your hand too.

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