Chapter 61

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2 years have now passed since Phantom was born. Air and Phantom were unbreakable. It was getting strange to see her without him. But Phantom was also really cute. He grew up so quickly that hours felt like seconds. He often slept in bed with you or you always cuddled together on the sofa in the evening.

Cirrus and Mountain often left Phantom to you, as they seemed to have things to do. But you were sure that they wanted it that way, because then the others didn't always bother you. It was often just the three of you and the room you were in felt like your own little world and as if you really were a family. It helped you a lot to come to terms with the fact that this was a piece of the unreal that you would never experience. It was like a little dream come true. You couldn't complain at all, it brought Air and you even closer together than anyone would have thought possible.

You were less able to live out your dream because Air was often absent. Recently, the incidents in the forest of hell have become more frequent and these creatures are getting worse and worse. Through stories from all the papas, you knew that the forest of hell is huge and in all the depths there is something that even Satan is afraid of. The former hell gods made them retreat, but now it's more common for these creatures to appear in the forest bordering the town.

Air and you have been training and learning more and more efficiently ever since, but Air still didn't want you to accompany her. She was afraid for you, because these creatures are getting stronger and stronger and sometimes even she doesn't feel ready.

So Phantom and you often did things together. You spent most of your time in the Practiceroom teaching Phantom how to play the guitar. He was really talented at it, so you just had to support him. It's just what uncles do.

*Air's pov*

Your alarm clock rang and woke you from your sleep. Grumbling, you turned it off and straightened up. Actually, you wanted to go back to sleep and generally just sleep through the night without having to leave again. But now you have to go to hell for a shitty meeting at the town hall to discuss what to do next. As it has done almost every other day.

You were annoyed because you just didn't have a real life anymore and everyone sees hope in you and you can't let them down. "Where's Fire? He should be here by now, getting changed?" You exhale, annoyed. Since Fire is officially a Chosen One, he has to go down there too. Everyone wonders why you're the only one they have to see all the time. You're getting tired of answering these questions too, because you answered them once and seconds later it felt like you were already in the news. Any idiot could answer these questions.

And you were aware that you had to jump over your shadow and take Fire with you. Because it was starting to get exhausting for you too. But love, like this one, was a big hurdle that you had to jump over, but you didn't dare, even though it was the same hurdle as any other. But this hurdle was slowly getting smaller and smaller because you were just fed up with love. These annoying people are destroying your feeling of beautiful love so much that you feel as if they hate you because you don't do what they want.

With that in mind, you threw your blanket aside and got up to look after Fire. Even recently, you've been like his mother. You're always telling him dates to remember, be it parties or birthdays or even events like this one, and every time he thinks he can remember it. But you always have to remind him of that. It's the same now. You arrived at the rehearsal room and he was just about to show Phantom something. "Aunt Aice!" when Phantom noticed you, he immediately put down his guitar and ran to you.

You took him in your arms as he wrapped his arm around you. "Fire, we have to go right away!" you turned to Fire, who was still looking at something on his tablet. "Mhh? Where? Oh... that's today? Yes, I'll get dressed." That was obvious. He put down his guitar too and walked past you. When he got to you, he gave you a quick kiss, to which Phantom said "ewww", which made you smile as Fire was already out the door.

"What do you mean eww? That's love. Do you know how great love is?" "No... what is love?" "Love is a beautiful feeling. Cirrus and Mountain, for example, they love each other. They are happy together and don't want to be without each other. They love you too. But love is also between you and your cuddly toy." "My dragon! I like that one." "The feeling you get when you see your dragon is a feeling of love." "Then there's love between you and my uncle too?" You just nodded as he still had that lovely smile when you were talking about his dragons.

You gave him the dragon shortly after he was born and he was in love with it.

"Then I love you too!" again he put his short arms around your neck as your heart melted from what he just said to you. "I love you too." You put your hand on one of his backs to give him a little hug.

You then took Phantom to Cirrus and Mountain, as you were really pressed for time. He didn't want to let you go at first, but when you promised him to sit on the sofa again tonight, he let go.

In the room upstairs, Fire was putting on his shoes. Since you already had the right clothes on, all you had to do was put on your shoes and you were ready to go.

Who would have thought that this evening would be as boring as any other. Once again, you were asked the same questions, which you answered with the same answers. The only good thing was that Fire was sitting next to you and you could hold hands under the table the whole time. That often held you back from just getting up and leaving.

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