After talking for a while you came out. You and Sana are talking randomly. You went to the gate and suddenly you stopped. Seeing what was in front of you, you didn't take another step forward. Sana is confused seeing you "What happened puppy?" she asked You told her to look ahead. She looked at the direction which you pointed. She was as shocked as you, "Huh? Not again....! They came again. This is the 7th time puppy." She said.

Taehyung is waiting for you at a little distance from the college

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Taehyung is waiting for you at a little distance from the college. And he has been texting and calling you ever since you came home from the theater, but you've been ignoring him. Because you don't have an answer. What do you say to him? Will he believe you if you say you are a Mafia Queen and working on a case? No...! That's why you are trying to ignore him. He waits for you outside the college every day. You escaped without him knowing everytime. You should do the same today too. You took a deep breath and You hid from them and called Beom. After a few rings he answered the call.

--- On Call ---


Beom: Yeah Noona

You: Beomiee....! you have to pick us up today too, come here fast.

Beom: Okay Noona...! I will be there in few minutes.

You: Okay

--- Call Ended ---

You cut the call and looked at sana She also looks at you. "Taehyung might be missed you soo much puppy...! He is coming to college for you everyday. I feel sorry for him." She said feeling guilty for him. You feel that what she said is true but if you are with Taehyung then you can't concentrate on this case no matter what, So that's why you don't show up no matter how much you miss him. Sana knows why you are ignoring him so that's why she is not asking you many questions. After some time Beom came in his car. Without waiting for another minute you two went inside the car. Immediately Beom drove the car away from the college without Taehyung knowing.




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