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As brook just got to know Robin has a gf named Starfire,u might be wondering what happened to kenji and others

Sammy and ben went in a room

Ben:Sammy ,sorry,I don't need u anymore ,yaz doesn't care,it's about time I find a new gf

Sammy:i m sorry ben,don't worry ,she is my bff ,but u can move on from her

Ben:thanks Sammy

Meanwhile brook was slightly crying after Robin went

Kenji : brook what happened

Brook:Robin h-he has a gf

Kenji:wait what

Brook:her name is Starfire

Kenji: the hell,i m so sorry

Brook:i m sorry for the way i acted,I just wanted to make u jealous but now u actually moved on

Kenji: I dint ,I wanted to make u jealous

Brook:u love me?

Kenji:I do

They kiss.


Kenji:yaz i m sorry but I can't do it,I got brook back

Yaz:yeah no problem, because Sammy and ben are together

Kenji:oh i m sorry,but I hope u find a new bf


Meanwhile Darius

Darius:Robin here's ur payment

Robin :thanx but don't u think we went too harsh

DARIUS:nah ,I'll solve it ig ,but yeah thanks for temporary seperation of brook and kenji

Robin:but ben and yaz?

Darius:don't worry,I planned something for them too.

Guys ik it's supposed to be memes but yeah ,some drama was needed and I have more drama planned btw what's ur fav ship mine is benyaz

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