🎞️ kiss 🎞️

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The king made a joke that made every man in the big room laugh. They were having dinner, the king and all the noblemen of Korea.

Next to the king sat the beloved handsome prince, further on the table on the opposite side sat the most handsome man in the country.

Han Jisung.

Everyone knew his name. Everyone loved him and respected him.

Including the 26 year old prince who was soon going to be king. Who was labeled as the second most handsome man in the country.

He loved jisung though. Differently.

There eyes met for a brief moment making Jisung blush. The prince brushed his ear, their secret code for 'expect me at your room tonight'

Jisung bit his lip. Impatiently waiting for tonight's surprise from the prince.


Jisung sat sulkily on a bench. With Minho and the other two on the opposite side on another bench.

He said he needed space and pushed Minho away then sat far across them in the middle of this 'road'. He held the bottle Changbin gave him tightly in his hand.

On the other side, the brunette boy stared at his fingers. His index finger was beginning to become transparent. "Is this..normal?" His showed seungmin and Hyunjin, their eyes widening.

"Minho I think... I think..I don't know what to think!" Hyunjin said clutching to his hair, "sometimes I wish I had a brain for such situations like this" he shook his head in disappointment.

"I think you're dying...disappearing...becoming one of us." Seungmin frowned trying to think. Minho's heart dropped...."I need....I need to go up- please I need to convince jisung!"

"Why did you marry him then?" Seungmin asked pissed but Minho gave him an equal same reaction. "Oh?! How was I supposed to know a random twig was someone's hand?!"

To his raised voice, jisung glanced at them from the opposite side. "Calm fucking down he will hear you." Seungmin sighed as Minho massaged his temples. "Fine you have a point minho but..you can't hurt him. You really can't hurt him...he's been here for almost 3 thousand years" seungmin sighed again as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Didnt he die in the eighteen hundreds or something" Minho looked confused and seungmin groaned annoyed. "Dead years you fucker. Every day here, which is about the same length as a normal day is actually 30 minutes in your life. So if you do the math he has been here for more than three thousand years waiting for the love his life- or after life or whatever. Jisung just wants to be fucking loved."

For some reason there was a bad burning pain in Minho's chest. He didn't know if it was for jisung or the fact that he's been away for less than half an hour which means no one even realizes he's missing.

He stared blankly at the coupe next to him. He wondered how they ended up here, why they're never leaving. He stared at their pale skin, which looked even healthier than what he'd been thinking.

When he takes in the details...they're human. In a way. They have feelings and...they're not dead.

They choose to stay here.

"Corpse spouse" Minsung ffWhere stories live. Discover now