🎞️ Am i pretty ? 🎞️

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Minho gasped for air as he sat straight. He looked around and at where he's sitting. "Is this... a coffin?... WHERE AM I?" He panicked looking around.

"My room, well, our room." Minho turned around to see who was speaking. It was a brunette boy, his hair covering his forehead. He had soft features and a soft smile . He was fiddling with his fingers and blushing slightly. Minho didn't find the right words to speak them out loud. He admired the beauty in front of him .

"Do I look pretty ?" He stopped fiddling with his finger and picked up his hanbok from Both sides swaying left and right showing it off. Minho just nod watching him , his lips parted. Jisung chuckled and started fiddling with his fingers as he walked closer .

Minho then noticed the ring on his hand. "Wait the ring." Jisung looked at the ring then back at Minho confused. " no no no no no no no no no" Minho kept pointing again. "Fuck I might faint again." Jisung gasped before he rushed closer and cupped Minhos cheeks. "Please don't ! I've been waiting for you to wake up for so long" jisung whined.

Minho gulped. This pretty boys face was just too close to him. His heart was gonna blow up. "Your heart is beating a lot" jisung chuckled making Minho turn a light shade of pink. "Mine stopped long ago."

"Huh?" Minho then noticed the finger marks on jisung neck, like someone choking him . "Are you okay? Who hurt you?" Jisung blushed again. "It's fine it was long ago, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Minho tried to calm down again. He felt some light weight on him. Jisung sat on top of Minhos lap still cupping his cheeks. "Who...are you?" Minho asked.

"Me? I'm your husband silly! Jisung!" Jisung chuckled, but minho frowned in confusion. "Husband ? When..how?"

"In the cemetery ! When you said your vows..." jisung turned the brightest shade of pink now. Throwing his head back as he wrapped his arms around Minhos neck. "Oh how romantic they were ! How perfect they were ! How beautiful! Just like you!" Jisung smiled before he kissed Minhos cheek.

"Knock knock knock" someone who was knocking the door yelled that from the other side. "Come in Hyunjin!" Jisung yelled back already knowing who . Hyunjin came back in holding seungmins hand. "Is he gonna faint if he sees us?" Hyunjin asked

"No he won't" he looked back at Minho who was dumbfounded " You won't right my love ?" Minho gulped, terrified.

Hyunjin and seungmin stood in front of the other two. "Hi." Just a simple word Hyunjin spoke with. "I dont understand....how...why..." he was pointing at Hyunjin and seungmin.

"Jisungie..." Hyunjin spoke softly "I don't think he realises what's going on."

"No shit you brainless Sherlock" seungmin said.


"You literally are..."



"Baby don't yell." Jisung spoke softly with a frown and shook his head in disapproval. He sounded like a mom scolding her kid in a calm way.

"You shut up too" Minho glared, earning a frowning jisung groaning.

"So basically. You're married to jisung." Seungmin said.

"Im not-"

"You are!" Jisung cut off.

"And well, jisung is dead. In fact we are all dead. Well except you, but you'll be dead soon."

"Why do you always have to be so straightforward..." Hyunjin shook his head.

"Cause why not." Seungmin shrugged.

"I'm gonna faint..." Minho massaged his temples again

"No baby you won't" jisung kissed Minhos cheek.

"Can I..just have time for myself ?" Minho asked.

"Of course" Hyunjin replied pulling seungmin with him. "You too jisung" Minho said . Jisung smiled sadly before he nodded and left the room.

"God kill me...actually don't kill me just...take me back to rose"

To be continued...

"Corpse spouse" Minsung ffOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz