3. The Daughter-Con

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The next morning



I rubbed my eyes as I tried to process what happened yesterday.

Oh right.. I found them in the forest.

By them I mean Mimi, Luna and Ian, and I barely knew them.

So uh, it's ok I guess screw stranger danger.

I woke up to see Mimi trying to wake me up.

"What time is it?" I asked sleepily.

"I think it's 10:00am? I'm not sure." Mimi said as she looked at the clock.

"Anyway I'm going to go down stairs for breakfast, do you want to come with me?" I asked Mimi.

"Sure. But I'm just going to wake up Ian really quick." Mimi said as we both walked through the door.

Before I went down stairs though, I went to my fathers office.

I came to a stop and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" my father replied.

It's your daughter, what kind of father are you?

"Uhm, daddy?" I said.

My father looked up and immediately hugged me, tight.

"Uh.. Daddy I get it.. D-DAD I NEED O-OXYGEN!" I said as I struggled.

"Oh, sorry sweetie!" My father said innocently.

"Anyway, daddy I found some friends in the forest!" I said happily.

"Oh! Who are they?" My father asked, curious to find out who they are.

"Mimi, Luna and Ian!" I replied.

"Can I see them?" My father asked cocking his head to the side a little.

"Ok daddy! I will show them to you after breakfast!" I said as I left the office.

I went down stairs to which I found Ian complaining he "didn't get enough sleep". Seriously, what is his definition of enough sleep?

Then I found Luna arguing with Ian saying stuff like " Just eat you breakfast, it's not that hard." and "You already get enough sleep."

Mimi was just quietly eating while watching those 2.

"Hey guys." I said as I sat down in my seat.

"Hi, Eleanor." Luna said as she continued to argue with Ian.

"Hello." Ian said, half awake as he continued to complain.


After breakfast


I politely (Aka I forced them) to meet my father.

Ian was refusing but he gave in when I told him I would wake him up over and over, never giving him a wink of sleep again in the process.

I also made sure he didn't escape by pulling his ear.

I walked to his office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." My father replied.

"Um.. Daddy?" I said.

I walked over towards him while letting go of Ian's ear.

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