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Y/n's heart was beating so fast, while she was getting ready

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Y/n's heart was beating so fast, while she was getting ready. She was near having a legit heart attack.

The bitch of it was she does not know what else Johnny said to her mother, and if she asked her mother, she would not tell her properly.

But the thing was, being a strict mother, y/n thought, her mother would scold her, for having a boyfriend, as her mother claims. She was surprised, why she didn't say anything?

She quickly got ready, while on the urge of having a heart attack, did some quick breakfast and left for school.

One thing that she knew was that she was not going to Johnny and ask him about the matter. She did not want to get insulted again. Not even while being alone with him.

She decided not to think more about it, because nothing of it was real. But she wanted to have a talk with Bobby. He would know. If she doesn't want anything to do with Johnny, didn't mean Bobby was also her enemy.

She noticed Daniel and Ali talking with each other. Y/n passed them a smile but in return Daniel just sighed, he didn't return back the smile, which made y/n frown.

She thought maybe this break was good, because Daniel would get more time with Ali. Because y/n had a doubt that Ali was somewhat jealous of her, because Daniel fought with Johnny for y/n.

She noticed the cobra kais at their usual spot, in the parking lot, around their bikes. Bobby quickly noticed her. And passed her a small smile. Y/n returned it back.

Johnny noticed Bobby smiling at someone, so he looked in that direction where Bobby was looking at, but y/n had already left.

Y/n thought that maybe if she gestured Bobby to come at that time, Johnny would interfere. So it was best to get him alone somewhere.


In the first lecture, y/n took a seat, five seats away from Johnny. He kept taking glances at her, but y/n didn't seem to notice and she didn't care to look at him.

Johnny thought that she would atleast argue or even talk with him about last night, ask him what happened but nothing. He was sort of disappointed.

After the lecture finished, y/n went to her locker, only to be greeted by Bobby already there.

" Oh,hi." She greeted him.

" Hey. It looked like you wanted to talk to me?" He asked.

" Smart. Yes. And you know about what, right?" She laughed.

" Yes. You passed out there, on the ground. I didn't know what to do. I called Johnny from Jake's house to help me out. Johnny came and took you to your house. That's it." He answered.

" That's it?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

" Yes. That's it. What? Is there something else I should know?" He asked.

𝑮𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔 𝒀/𝒏 𝑿 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑳𝒂𝒘𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆Where stories live. Discover now