Stay away from her

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The whole day, after the restaurant incident, y/n just studied. Whenever she used to be angry she would study. Pretty weird, I know.

Y/n was studying literature when the doorbell rang. She frowned. She hated any kind of disturbance.

The bell again rang.

" MOM!?" She shouted at the top of her lungs.

" Oh shoot. I forgot she's not home. Guess, I'll have to take this." She stood up and lazily went downstairs to open the door.

Upon opening the door, she saw a sad and disappointed Daniel.

" Danny, what's up?"

" You know what's up. I am sorry for what happened, back there."

" It wasn't your fault. It is his fault. So don't worry."

" Yea... I wanted to make up to you. So if you wanna go bicycling with me, in the evening?" He asked, while scratching the back of his neck.

" I am sorry Daniel. I got some work to do. Maybe next time?" Y/n frowned.

Daniel just nodded while he looked at his feet.

" Umm... Daniel? What talk did Johnny had with you?" Y/n, out of curiosity asked.

" Nothing. Just some guy stuff."

Y/n gave him a look.

" If you don't want to tell, it's ok." Y/n answered, sounding a bit disappointed.

Daniel sighed.

" Alright. I'll tell you. He asked me to stay away from you "

Y/n's eyes widened and she was confused.

" Why would he say that?" She asked.

" I don't know. This is the second time he said this to me." Daniel shrugged.

" When was the first time?"

" Outside the washrooms. When you were covered in ink."

Y/n recalled.

" Oh my god. Who is he to say this to you!?"

" Y/n, it's not gonna stop me. Don't worry. I gotta go now." He smiled and waved her bye.

She just stood there thinking about the whole situation.

" What's up with Johnny? Why would he ask Daniel to stay away from me? What does he think of himself. Can't even I have a male friend now?"

So many thoughts were going on in the brunettes mind about the blonde.

She knew she was not going to have a good night sleep today.


The next day, upon waking up, the very first thought came into y/n's mind was about the thing Johnny said.

𝑮𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔 𝒀/𝒏 𝑿 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑳𝒂𝒘𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆Where stories live. Discover now