Cobra kai

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Eventually the time flied by and it was time to meet Daniel outside the school for their fun little adventure.

Y/n quickly rushed through the sea of people and reached the parking lot. She noticed Johnny and his friends, Johnny on his bike and his friends around him.

Johnny quickly noticed her too and scoffed, making y/n scoff too. She decided not to waste any time scoffing at him and went to find Daniel.

She found Daniel talking with Ali. Both of them smiling brightly and they were probably blushing too. She decided not to interrupt them and to wait there until Ali goes.

Soon enough, Ali left and y/n made her way towards the brunette.

" What was that?" Y/n smirked.

" Oh! Hey y/n." He quickly answered.

" I guess things are going good between you two now, huh?" She asked.

" Oh yes they are and I am glad for it. Anyways, let's focus on us now. Shall we walk?" He asked.

Y/n nodded and they made their way towards the city. It was a sunny day so both of them regretted walking. They could have just asked their mothers to give them a ride.

Soon enough, after a tiring walk, they reached. The city was quite busy. Loud car honks could be heard.

Y/n looked around.

" So? Where is it?" She asked.

Daniel smiled and motioned towards a specific building.

Y/n's eyes widened after she saw the building, but before she could react or act anything more, Daniel grabbed her by her arm and rushed towards the building across the road.


Before y/n could finish what she was going to say, she found herself in the Cobra Kai dojo.

" Look at these guys. This is the dojo I was talking about." Daniel smiled while looking around.

The students were warming up. And their Sensei was the one warming them up.

" Daniel, all I can say is... You will be disappointed." Y/n sighed.

" C'mon y/n. Where's the spirit? Be happy for me." He nudged her.

" The spirits dead. And yours will probably be too, after some time." Y/n shrugged.

Daniel didn't react to it, and thought his friend was just joking.

" How can I help you both?"

A rough voice could be heard. It was their Sensei.

" My friend here, wants to join your dojo." Y/n quickly answered.

The guy turned his attention towards Daniel and eyed him up and down, and it looked like he was lost in his thoughts.

𝑮𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔 𝒀/𝒏 𝑿 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑳𝒂𝒘𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆Where stories live. Discover now