Old Tales

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They arrived at the location as the envelope stated and met the three men.

"So, you're the one Voss sent? Ah! It's been long since we did business together and he sent his new recruits? Not even Sniper or Ghost or even him personally? That's real bad for an old partner. Well, let's get to business" One of the men said.

The men brought their case forward and Matt also brought theirs. They exchanged the suitcase and both ends confirmed the deal.

Gabe was suspicious of the three men. He saw something bulging out of their shirt as one of the men bent down to pick the suitcase.

As Matt was about to turn towards Gabe, one of the three men removed a pistol and was about to pull the trigger...


A loud gunshot was heard. Gabe pulled his silver pistol right before one of the men pulled the trigger.
Bullseye! Gabe did not miss. He shot one of the men right on his forehead.

Truly , the man pulled the trigger, but, Gabe was faster and the man missed.
The remaining two were shocked and pointed their gun towards Gabe and Matt...

*Bang Bang*

Two gunshots roared loudly. Ghost and Sniper defended the duo just before anything would happen. Turns out that Ghost and Sniper were instructed by Voss to follow them.

Although, Ghost and Sniper shot against the two men but only one went down. The last man managed to escape.

"Enter the car fast!" Ghost yelled as he carried the three men's suitcase and Voss's.

"Wow! I didn't know you're a sharp shooter Gabe. Right on the forehead! How did you do it?" Sniper said excitedly as they were driving to Voss's.

Gabe was still shocked from the last event. He stammered. "I-I-I don't know. What just happened?".

"You shoot just like me" Sniper continued.

"Man! You saved my life back there. I owe you thousands dude. I could be a goner by now if you weren't there!"

Gabe was still shocked. "Did I just kill someone? Oh no! What have I done?!" Gabe said worriedly.

"Dude, you did the right thing! If you had not do it, I'll be in that guy's place. Thanks bro" Matt said, trying to calm Gabe.

Minutes later, they arrived at Voss's place.

"So, how did it go?" Voss said as soon as he sighted them.

"Oh boss, you wouldn't believe..." Ghost said with a grin.

"What happened?" Voss was getting anxious.

"You were damn right. Those motherf**kers did turn wrong. The greedy bast*rds wanted all. They tried to shoot Gabe and Matt, but, luckily, we have our fast gunslinger here. Same Gabe!" Ghost informed.

"He was just damn fast! We witnessed the whole scene from the trunk of the car. Straight to the head, his bullet whizzed. He was the Hero boss". Sniper added.

"Bravo! I knew you'd turn around. Slippery, sneaky, fierce and fast. Just like a wolf. Ha! I saw it all in you at the club". Voss said as he puffed from his tobacco.

"I didn't know how it happened. I just noticed something odd from the men and I started getting sus. What did I do??". Gabe said as he was still trembling.

"Relax your balls! You know, I think you've given yourself the name. From now on, you're Wolf. You earned it". Voss declared.

"But, what happened to my real name, Gabe?" confused and scared Gabe replied.

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