The First Assignment

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“Dude let’s go get some drinks in El Paso. You know that’s where them rich fellas always flexing at”.  Matt says to Gabe.

“C’mon man, you know that place is full of deadly mob boss and shitty harlots. I don’t like dealing with stuff like that dude". Gabe replied.

“Dudeeeeee, have I ever told you something wrong? I just think we should take few bottles and  sink our sad thoughts”.  Matt continued.

“Well that was a long ‘dude' “.  Gabe chuckled before they headed to the club.

Now, Matt Stewart is Gabe Andrew’s childhood friend. He has been with Gabe through thick and thin. Matt has always been Gabe's helping hand since they met after Gabe escaped from the orphanage.

*El Paso Club*

“Give me two shots of vodka with lemon extract and lozenges”  Matt instructed the barman.

“No! I just want a sparkling cider, non-alcoholic though and I’ll take the lozenges”  Gabe quickly informed the barman.

“Seriously? You’re in a club and all you want is a sparkling cider? Next thing, you’re ordering for a cake and balloons? C’mon man, the bills are on me. Gulp down some whiskey or something!” Matt teased.

“Ah ha! Very funny! You know from day 1 that I don’t take alcohol. Besides, you know these things are expensive, we should spend the money on something better… like an investment or some…”  Gabe replied before Matt cut in.

“Look, dude I’m not complaining about the cash. I can work harder to get more cash. We should just enjoy a little bit,  we’re in Vemur for Christ's sake".

“Yup uh! Vemur, the kingdom of gangsters!”   Gabe replied and gently sipped his sparkling.

The duo went to the bar couch after their drinks and were discussing things and recent events in their lives just then two damsels, halfway naked approached. They seemed more attracted to Gabe.

In truth, Gabe was a handsome teen with integrity and incredible potentials and a determined mind to work hard and achieve his goals.

“Hey boys, wanna play? We can do karaoke with your own instruments huh. You know what I mean?”   One of the girls said with a sinister smile.

While Gabe was busy avoiding them and trying to shift to the other end of the couch, Matt was staring at the girls in a lustful way.

“Ok, I think it’s time to go Matt, we’ve really tried”.     Irritated Gabe said.

“Listen girls, my friend feels disturbed. You should  give us a little space”.  Matt told the girls. The girls left but it seemed like they were not the only one attracted to Gabe. A young man was also looking and witnessed the scene with the girls.

He approached Gabe    “Hey there lad, I admire you. You were able to look away from the voluptuous girls and felt no urge. You’re indeed strong. I could use a man like you in my business. Here’s my card, feel free to meet me at any time. You can also bring your friend with you".

He completed his statement with a grin and was about to walk away and remembered.  “Oh! Pardon me! I’m Voss. Voss McGrath”.

Gabe stammered   “I-I-I I’m Gabe Andrew”.

Voss walked away but Gabe was still somehow shocked as he held the card tight.

“Hmm looks like you got yourself a business” Matt remarked.
The duo took more bottles and left the bar.

“Whoa! It’s past nine".  Gabe started a conversation as they were heading home.

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