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I do not own TeenWolf. I only own my character, Astrid Finley.
My OC Astrid is a Scottish Elven, known as a Sidhe.

Astrid's Undiscovered Powers:
Strengths- heightened agility, hearing, stealth, healing herself and others, can take others pain and inflict pain, can take others negative emotions, deadly aim with weapons, and enhanced strength.

Weaknesses- overusing her powers can result in seizures and passing out. Has sensitive ears. Taking too much pain can physically harm body. When healing others, it takes from energy and can cause burns on hands when powers flow from hands to wounds.

Characteristics- Eyes glow a bright green when healing and can when using enhanced powers. Eyes turn black when taking pain. When healing others a green light flows from hands into the wound and heals it. When transforming into full Sidhe form, elf ears extend, a few strands of hair turn neon green like hi-lights. 

Age: 18
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Tattoos: yes. ????
Grade: Senior (12th)
Car: 2006 Ford Shelby Mustang. Black with white stripe.
Siblings: none
Parents: mother
Status: middle class
Grades: good
Hobbies: singing, basketball, working out, archery, sparring, and most importantly napping
Likes: Derek Hale, Jordan Parrish (brotherly way),Isaac (in a motherly way), Stiles, Scott, Lydia, sometimes Allison. (friends)
Dislikes: Jackson, most of the argents, coach, Morrell, Alpha pack, that bitch Jennifer, stalker Matt 🤮, literally any teacher, authority, indecisive people, people who can't drive, cockiness, and hypocrites.

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