Deaths and Future.

165 19 44

Warning, lily is sleep deprived and officially mad.

This contains violence and depictions of death.

If the mc goes out of character, srry.

Narrator POV.

[You have killed a living being.]

[You have earned 100 coins.]

[You are the first to kill.]

["First Murder" achievement has been obtained.]

At this very moment...

I truly felt it...


My legs shook.

My vision was blurry.

I could find myself crying.

My heart was beating like a drum...

Regret. Big regret.

Kissing the forehead of a dead friend in a eulogy to our friendship...

"I wont become a murder, I don't want to... But Bro... Live on, Live, Thomas.. You need to Live."

My hands were full of blood... It was warm.

Regret filled my entire body... It was painful.

I glanced at my wrist watch.


In five minutes, I had abandoned years of friendship.. For what?... For a handful of coins?...

No. For a chance at survival.

But at this moment...

[A constellation who likes tragedy is amused by your tears.]

[100 Coins Have Been Sponsored.]

'So there are.. there are Constellations on this channel, huh?.. Well..'

If constellations were here...

Then by saying filtered information, he could most likely earn clout...

'This feels too real.'


It felt incredibly real...

Even so...

The Dokkaebi appeared once more... I could feel his gaze and a I could clearly see a maniac grin..

[Wow! Thanks for not beating around the bush!... I would like if you all could make this into an even bigger massacre... but-]

[A constellation who likes tragedy says they will sponsor 500 coins to whoever kills the most living beings.]

'If that constellation is dishing out such few coins just to see a good massacre, they are definitely a jerk...'

[Oh- Oh! wow! Thanks for the help! This will definitely make for an even more interesting scenario!]

No one had a weapon.


"Coins?.. Constellation?.. What the hell is all of this bullshit?.."

some people had no idea what this was...


 I could only sigh..

'Ill live in our name. Ill be the one to become a sinner, and I.. Will definitely meet Dokja, I will see the ■■... but... I don't want to ruin his story..'

A Eulogy. An ORV Fanfic. OC INSERTWhere stories live. Discover now