The beginning of it all.

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Lily is on the brink of madness. And this fic is not an excuse to browse images of hot guys in a suit. 


Go read or sum. You already know what I write.

ORV is extremely long. So I'll try to not draw everything out too much.


Narrator POV.

*Tack Tack Tack*

Repeated clacking was heard in a silent space... Yet it wasn't so silent, as one could surely a few, if not dozens of people muttering...

*Clack Clack Clack*

A boy was tapping his fingernails on the window of this space... A white space with countless rows of seats in a closed space.

The inside of an airplane...

The boy once more tapped his fingers on the glass of the window of a the plane...

"Mate, If your ass is so bored, just jump out or something- I'm trying to sleep here."  Said another boy next to him.

"Go fuck yourself mate." said our protagonist to his seat companion.. His blue eyes glanced at his seat companion... A guy with long pitch black hair and hazel colored eyes... He was in fact, taller than him.

"I would if I could bro.. You know I would... My ass hurts, And I haven't even shoved anything in it yet." Said his seat companion who was tired...

"Mate, we are about to land in like... Ten minutes. Just hold in there. My rear also hurts."  Said our protagonist...

Sitting in a plane flight from the US to Korea was... Incredibly long... 

About 13 hours of doing absolutely nothing...

But this was a field trip to Korea!... More or less!... And our protagonist's friend basically said "Thats japan enough"

"Bro, Hear me out. I'll suck your dick and you-" 


"Fine. Ill touch your balls-"


"Ill spank your ass-"


"Fine. We kiss-"

"Goddamnit, James, drop that already will you?." said our protagonist who really wanted some sleep...

"Nuh uh." Said James...

"Ill put pepper in your shampoo." Said our protagonist...

"hah!?.. We are going to share it. You wouldn't dare." Said James... Who had long hair which needed to be washed thoroughly or he would end up like a porcupine.

"Mate, You bloody reckon I would." said our protagonist with a smirk.

"... You are such a bitch, Tom." said James to our protagonist.. Tom.

"You are a pussy-"

The plane started shaking out of nowhere... 

James and Tom went stiff like wood, and clung to each other like Rose and Jack..

They both shared an irrational fear of heights.

Yet it all calmed down...

"We are sorry for the turbulence. But please get ready, we will be in Seoul in less than a minute."

A Eulogy. An ORV Fanfic. OC INSERTWhere stories live. Discover now