The Crown Prince's Profit Lover (12)

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He wiped away the others tears before grabbing the first aid kit and leading Bai Wei to the bed to treat his wounds.


Bai Wei sat silently on Jiang Long's lap as the other treated his wounds. He was mourning the next play that he had set up that was so easily foiled by Jiang Long's obliviousness. He was originally planning on playing victim and forcing Jiang Long to console him over his own doings. However, he was greatly taken aback by Jiang Long's obliviousness and his words that easily resolved the entire miscommunication trope that Bai Wei had painstakingly set up.

Stupid man, people don't sob in front of a mirror because of pain. Bai Wei secretly called Jiang Long many names in his heart.

On the outside however, Bai Wei looked at Jiang Long with a blank expression for a long time while Jiang Long tended to his wounds.

Eventually, Bai Wei somewhat processed everything that happened and said the first thing that came to mind. "W-we slept together?"

Hearing this, Jiang Long paused for a second and looked at Bai Wei. He tightened his grip on Bai Wei's waist ever so slightly as he became afraid that Bai Wei would turn his head after the two had slept together. Jiang Long comforted himself that Bai Wei was not such a dog person before answering in his usual concise tone.


"Bu-but why?? You love Jia Jinj-"

The rest of Bai Wei's sentence was cut off as Jiang Long sealed his lips with a kiss. The kiss was passionate and sweet ,but held a considerate amount of gentleness compared to the night before. Jiang Long finally released the other's lips after a while when Bai Wei became short of breath.

" Who said I still love that woman. For the past few years, the one I loved has always been you" Jiang Long clarified to Bai Wei whose face was tinted bright red due to the kiss.

Bai Wei was still quite bewildered as he asked " Really?".

Jiang Long kissed the corner of the other's eye endearingly and answered " Really"

Jiang Long finished putting medicine on Bai Wei's wounds and had Bai Wei attend to some hard to reach scratches on his back. The room was filled with comfortable silence, occasional laughter, blushing cheeks, and smiling faces.

Afterwards, Jiang Long scooped up Bai Wei and carried him to the kitchen to have breakfast together.


The days were filled with sunshine, Jiang Long had never been so happy and content as he was with Bai Wei.

The two sat in the living room of Jiang Long's house watching a movie. Bai Wei had fallen asleep half way through and was resting his head on Jiang Long's chest. Jiang Long found comfort in playing with the hair of the sleeping Bai Wei.

This beautiful scene was destined to be short lived however as Bai Wei's terminal started vibrating indicating that someone was trying to contact him. Bai Wei's eyes opened after a second but they were still clouded. He seemed to be deliberating whether or not to continue sleeping.

Jiang Long chuckled and kissed the corner of Bai Wei's eyes, a habit he had picked up recently. He whispered in the other's ear " Someone is trying to contact you".

In response, Bai Wei blushed and covered his ear before looking at his terminal. It was Bai Wei's brother trying to contact him. Bai Wei's eyes darkened looking at the caller before he got up to take the call in another room.

Jiang Long could hear a loud shouting coming from the terminal in the other room and considered taking revenge against the Bai family for their treatment towards his lover. This idea was reinforced when Bai Wei came back after a little while with a dark look in his eyes.

However, this idea never got the chance to come to fruition as a few days later Bai Dong and Bai Dayi were arrested with the crimes of instigating the war against the Zergs as well as selling information to the enemy.

They found out the news through Bai Qing when she came to visit Bai Wei the day after the arrest. Bai Qing seemed quite heartbroken over the matter ,but was not surprised. She told Bai Wei this during her visit before repeatedly apologizing to Bai Wei for the way that his father and brother had treated him as well as her powerlessness to stop them.

The mother and son talked and comforted each other for a while before Bai Qing left. She was planning to travel for a while to reestablish her sense of self. She seemed happy that Bai Wei had found someone and was quite content leaving her son in Jiang Long's care.

The two saw her off with a smile before continuing their two person world. Bai Wei began spending his time researching microbiology, a topic he found quite interesting, and became a well known scientist in the field. Meanwhile, Jiang Long returned to the university to complete his studies at Xialou university. As a military major, the classes that Jiang Long took were purely decorative as someone who had been in battle and he was able to quickly complete his degree. From there, Jiang Long took up his fair share of work as crown prince.

Despite all that the two accomplished, they still found time to go on dates and spend time together. It was not uncommon for the two to be photographed by paparazzi, walking hand in hand from amusement parks or cinema theaters. The two became known throughout the nation as the number one power couple, each very formidable in multiple fields.

Finally it came to the day of Jiang Long's succession ceremony. An event that was widely celebrated by all the planets within the nation. Everyone was greatly looking forward to Jiang Long's rule as he had already proven his abilities during his time as the crown prince, everyone except Bai Wei that is.

Bai Wei knew that there was going to be an attempt to assassinate Jiang Long during the ceremony, and he knew that he had to be the one to put a stop to it.

Bai Wei grew nostalgic thinking that his time in this world was coming to an end.

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