James carefully turns around, and sees an all too familiar face

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 James carefully turns around, and sees an all too familiar face.

An older version of Tom Riddle is standing there, pointing his wand at the Gryffindor, a sinister smile lighting up his face- which, James adds mentally, is hot as fuck, which is even more annoying.

Regulus doesn't seem to recognize the man from behind James, and Riddle hasn't seen him yet, so James makes sure to keep the younger boy out of sight. Regulus notices what he's doing, and slips out of the row, trying to sneak around Riddle's back.

"James Potter," Riddle says softly, titling his head. "Yes, I had the wonderful opportunity of being in your head earlier, if I'm not mistaken. Unfortunately my memories have... disappeared."

"So you got amnesia," James spits back. "Just say it like a normal person, you're not special."

"Aren't I?" Riddle asks, genuine curiosity in his tone. "I need to know how close you were to discovering my secret."

"Then why the fuck would I tell you?" James asks, eyeing the man in disgust. "It might not've crossed your mind, but I don't like you."

Riddle sighs. "I thought you'd say that." He waves a hand, and an unconscious Evan floats into view.

James eyes flicker to the body for a split second, unmoving. "So, what? I tell you and you kill us both? Nice plan, Riddle, but not all Gryffindors are dumb."

"Of course not," Riddle says pleasantly. "If you do an unbreakable oath to tell me what you know about me, as soon as the oath is complete, I'll send him back. Before you start to talk, if it makes you feel better."

James looks back at his floating acqaintence, and nods. Riddle nods back, and snatches James' hand, linking it with his own, as he points his wand downward. Right as he opens his mouth, James spots his distracted gaze, and quickly lifts his leg, kicking him as hard as he can in the off-limits place.

"I'm sorry!" He says quickly, "But it didn't sound like a good enough deal."

He grabs Evan, but Riddle recovers far too quickly, chasing them back towards the entrance. Riddle pins them into that spot by the wall, opening his mouth, but there's a loud screech, and none other than Barty Crouch Jr lands SMACK on Riddle's head, bouncing off of him, and rolling to a stop at James' feet, who frantically catches Evan as Riddle's magic fails.

"Hey," Barty says casually. "I was studying in our dorm, but then I saw Evan floating, so I had to follow him. Also I think I broke a leg."

Regulus reappears with a small bag, which he shoves into James' pocket. He wraps Barty's arms around his shoulder, leaving James to get Evan.

"This is why you're my favorite ex," Barty says casually, subtly shooting Regulus a wink at James' slight tensing.

Regulus just sighs. The door above them opens, and Lily's face comes into view. "Y'all alright?! I'm levitating you guys up, so don't move or I'll drop you."

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