Part 12: Switching POVs

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James POV

I wake up to a hand shaking my shoulder. I let go of Remus, letting him get up as I rub my eyes.

"Sorry to wake you," he tells me. "But Merlin, James, you weren't kidding when you said you're a snuggler. It was like I had a teddy bear strapped to my back."

I snort quietly. "Sorry Rem."

"It's alright. Just so you know, we're leaving in half an hour, so you might want to go back to your room and make sure everything's packed. I'm gonna wake the girls in a second."

I nod and start walking back to my dorm.

I push open the door, earning a startled yelp from Regulus, who was laying on the floor, his head having barely been missed when the door swung open.

"What're you doing on the floor?" I ask him, amused.

"I fell over," he grumbles at me. "Oh get that bloody smirk off your face."

"Why'd you fall over?"

Reg gestures at his trunk. "Well I thought I was packed but I forgot to pack pajamas, and now my trunk won't fit." He stands up. "I was trying to stand on it but I lost my balance."

I push on the lid so he can clasp the lock. "There. You all packed?"

"Yeah, thanks. I told some house elves that if I get any letters, to send them to your house, so my mom won't get suspicious."

We head outside, getting on the train. Somehow it ends up being all the Marauders, the girls, and the Slytherin group, along with Sam and Dora, all crammed into one compartment.

"Lils," I choke out, since Remus' elbow is right in my stomach. "The charm?"

She immediately does the spell to enlarge the compartment.

As soon as I start breathing again, I have to tell Remus to stop apologizing.

Reg ends up sitting beside me, and I sit next to the window. The conductor's voice comes over the intercom as Peter, Sam, Mary, and Alice all sit down to play exploding snap, Lily and Evan discuss something about a muggle band, and Dora, Remus, Adam, Marlene, Dorcas, and Sirius all start arguing about something to do with motorcycles.


"It's like a bloody amusement park," I tell Reg as Mary and Sam burst into laughter when the deck explodes in Alice's face, and she drop kicks it across the compartment.

He only smirks, watching as Remus smacks Sirius on the head, and Marlene and Adam start yelling to Dorcas that leather jackets are totally cool. "Yeah, of a bunch of clowns."

I snicker, pulling out a book and a pen. Reg raises an eyebrow and I just shrug, deciding not to tell him it's a book on dark magic that I stole from Dumbledore's office, since I'm trying to figure out how to keep everyone safe from Voldemort. I start reading, highlighting a few sentences from the blood magic pages, before my interest is piqued by a section that reads: Horcruxes.

I quickly flip to that page, reading to myself.

Horcruxes are a soul. Or, more so, a part of someone's soul. Horcruxes are pieces of Dark Magic that can make someone seemingly 'immortal' or 'invincible'.

In order to make a Horcrux, someone would have to kill someone, take something that is meaningful to them, and put that part of their soul into the object (or, in some rare cases, living things). The amount of Horcruxes able to be made at a time is not known, but until you kill all the Horcruxes, you will be unable to kill the other person.

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