14- New Siblings

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The next day, after lunch, I head out, telling mum I'll be back before dark

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The next day, after lunch, I head out, telling mum I'll be back before dark.

I make my way down to the village, before turning into the woods, as I'd done yesterday. I get to the small house, and knock. There a second of silence before Cal swings the door open, grinning up at me.

"Hi James! Sissy's on the couch. I've been waiting for you all day."

I grin back at the excited boy. "Hey Cal. It's good to see you too. I've brought a present."

I take off my shoes inside, and pull a bag out of my jacket pocket. "Hey Leah," I greet as I walk over to the fireplace and add a log, placing several more on the floor.

"Why're you bringing us logs?" She asks suspisously. "And a bag?"

I shrug. "Well they're cutting down trees in the back, and I found some pretty good pieces of wood, but Mum said I wasn't allowed out back, and I didn't want them to go to waste, so I brought them here. Speaking of," I pull a couple of newspapers out, thick ones, and set to work binding her leg. "Sorry I don't have better materials."

"It's fine, thank you."

After I've finished making a cast for her leg, I pull the remaining things out of my bag, before holding out a ziplock to Cal, who eagerly takes it.

"Hold up," Leah says. "James, why are you trying to give Cal chicken?"

"Oh- Mum was mad that I got home late, so she told me to eat outside, and not come in until I finished it all, but I'm a vegetarian. Does Cal not like chicken? It's not fresh, sorry about that." It is fresh, I'd made it last night.

Leah sighs. "Thank you. How do we even repay you for everything?"

I scoff. "Don't be ridiculous. Why would you need to repay me for broken wood and old chicken?"

She fidgets in her chair. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, of course."

Cal looks up from his bag of chicken. "Lee got fired cause she couldn't go to work yesterday." He says matter-of-factly.

"Cal!" Leah exclaims, mortified.

"Oh, a friend of mine's mother owns a fashion shop," I tell her. "They're hiring, if you're interested."

"Could you ask about it?" Leah asks.

"I can bring her daughter here? She lives right outside the village, very sweet girl."

"This place is a mess!" Leah says, looking around frantically.

"Leah, she won't mind."

"Are you sure?"

"Course I am. I'll grab her, be back in a few."

I run out of the house, and into the village, before I get to the street with numbered houses. I pause, not remembering which was Lily's. Fortunately, a front door opens, and a familiar face pops outside.

Jegulus: OBLIVIATEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora