Chapter 8

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The sunlight shone through the transparent dome, illuminating the young girl's deep emerald eyes into shades of bright green.

She has long, silvery white hair that fades into a mixture of blue and seafoam green at the tips, almost like soft moss. Her curly locks frame her small face, making her deer-like eyes prominent. 

Adding her tiny frame, she's like a doll that has come alive.

Liele concluded that her physical threat level was in the negatives. This was, of course, not including the fact that they were in her territory.

As for the final evaluation of her looks, Liele felt it was redundant.

After the explosion of evolution and the advancement of gene engineering, a beautiful face has become something common.

Nowadays, it's a matter of what type is attractive for an individual.

In this sense, Liele honestly admitted that she's very much to his liking.

Her voice sounds sweet, her smell is sweet, and she looks sweet.

Liele made a decision, gathered his dry spiritual energy, and then spat out a light brain from a tiny spatial rip.

The light brain bounced on the floor, and Hua Lian's heart followed in sync. In a blur, she pounced on it.


A high-ranking mimic! 

She abducted a predator to her home!

High-ranking mimics have better control over their spiritual powers and can materialize their spiritual energy. Some into a more concentrated form of energy, while others can transform it, giving them unique abilities.

Being able to cut his own space to store items, no doubt, this palm-sized being can kill her with just an accidental bump.

Hua Lian, who was warned about being deceived by her guardians, ends up digging a big hole for herself.

In fact, for a legally disabled citizen who boldly walked around the gray areas, it was only a matter of time before Hua Lian kicked an iron plate.

As the universe's number one collateral casualty, disabled citizens can't perceive others' spiritual auras.

To say it nicely, they can't be intimidated by the radiating auras of higher-ranking mimics.

But to say it bluntly, they're ignorant of the dangers around them and prone to accidental injuries.


The light brain flickered open and popped out a message.

[I followed willingly. Not abducted.]

Hua Lian paused, staring full of wariness at the tiny master. "...Really?"

[Really. If we talk about it, you're my benefactor.]



The two were in a dreadlock for a second.

"You implanted an optical computer." Hua Lian lowered her voice. "That's illegal."

In short, the two of us aren't law-abiding citizens.

Liele, "..."

He only heard of finding common topics to start conversations, but this girl's focus was awesome; she immediately labeled them together for warmth.

[Well, I did.] Liele admitted openly.

One day, she will learn that there's a so-called number of crimes and degrees of violation.

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