𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ ---CHAPTER 1---𓍢ִ໋⨾𝄞

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18 September 1985, Great Britain, London

Victor, a man in his twenties, long black hair, a lonely and melancholy aura wandering through a park full of greenery, dark lakes, gray bridges on a cloudy day as it used to be in Britain. He sighs as he walks down a dirt road under the trees that shade him, looks up and admires a girl in the street at the end of the bridge in front of him. The heart begins to palpate strongly in the chest, between all the place she appeared to her sight as a goddess who illuminated and matted everything and everyone with her presence... What he was feeling was "love at first sight"? He had to calm down first of all, if he went to her trembling; nervous and flushed she would be frightened or she would immediately drive him away. -Breathe, 1...2... 3... Okay, now calm down and find a way to lure her without making you look like a poor nervous, Victor, you can do it... - whispers between himself and then straightens his back and sets clothes.

He could have pretended to be one of those people who portray people in public places, after knowing her better and maybe... Having her number, yes now the plan starts. Take out of the leather bag a sketch pad and a pencil and he start to approach her -Hey, I'm Victor and I do portraits, are you interested? - asks with a calm voice while waiting for her reaction. She with a smile and the bright light in her eyes gives him a quick hug and with the ringing voice says -Hi!, I am Coraline Shogun! Let's sit on a few benches, come with me, up! -, the sight of Victor looked even more magnificent... how she could open up to people... her confidence and trust... was simply unique.

He takes her by the hand in a gentle way, accompanying her to another part of the bridge and then he makes her sit on a bench and begin to retract her in every delicate detail, admiring her every second with love and passion in his burning eyes. Cora was probably noticing it as he looked back at her as she also looked at him with attention, blushing a little... actually a reserved, closed-minded, solitary-looking man with a really good look then probably intelligent and cultured... just her type. Both seemed to feel the same but they knew each other for a few minutes, it is better to know a person's character too because you can never know if he could be a junkie, an attacker, a criminal in secret... even if they looked beautiful people to each other.

As he finished painting her, Victor shows her the portrait and boldly asks her, "Hey, if you want to give me your number so we can get to know each other better?" -. She looks at him for a moment maliciously, then winks at him a smirk and agrees, pulls out a handkerchief with her written number and a kiss marked with cherry lipstick. - "This is my number, just call me when you get home..." - She says kindly handkerchief to Victor as her cheeks gently turn red when he sees the lipstick print. He thanks Coraline and they greet each other separating in their streets while it was evening...

Victor's Pov:

I went home while I smiled happy to have succeeded in my intent, I thought how lucky I was to have the number and knowledge of a girl as beautiful, sweet and loving as Coraline. As I leave the park, I pass through the foggy and grey streets of London lit only by yellowish street lamps in total silence, heading for my home which was a few metres from here. The total silence, the cloudy and dark sky in the late evening, I loved living in places less in observation because I always loved that melancholy and lonely aura while walking on the street. Between the fog I begin to glimpse the fences and the garden of my house, entering the road that leads to the entrance and release a slight sigh whispering between me and me -"Finally home..." - while I take the key out of my coat pocket and turn it into the lock.

I take off my coat and hang it on the hanger, take off my shoes and leave them at the entrance near the doormat. After changing to be more comfortable I go to the kitchen and first of all I hang up the handkerchief with Cora's number then I open the refrigerator taking something quick to cook and putting it on the fire. In the meantime I turn on the TV looking for something interesting to watch while I eat and to entertain myself. As I finish eating I think about how I can start an interesting conversation with Coraline that doesn't make her bored with me, slowly I get lost in my thoughts staring at a fixed point of the pale wall, Waking up is the high-pitched ring of my bedroom landline. I get up from the chair, almost dropping it, then I go up the stairs and in time I pick up the phone to answer and it's exactly who I thought it was. It was Coraline, -Hi Victor, how are you? I'm on the couch relaxing in front of the TV, what were you doing? - he says with his cheerful and curious tone that he made me smile instantly with only hearing. - I too was relaxing in front of the TV in the living room, but I was starting to get bored a lot, your call definitely improved my evening- I respond towards the end of the sentence with a more romantic tone to start trying to impress. - Oh, thank you, honey, don't give me too many compliments or you will embarrass me! - He exclaims in a playful and ironic tone that amuses both of them by even letting out a little laughter. The conversation seemed to interest her, and the longer it went on, the less I could block myself, freeing me from that paranoid block that I had fixed in my head that did not allow me to feel good when I talked to a person and in particular those to whom he had a certain type of strong emotions, which were very few. We stayed to talk late at night, the clock indicated 2:45 of the night, Coraline yawns from sleep, -It's 2:00 at night, it's really late, see you tomorrow at the park maybe or if you can't, call me and we can talk... good night! - greets concluding the call. After a few minutes with my head on the pillow I also fall into total deep sleep...


Hello everyone! I'm the writer of this story as you can see, this is my first time I write a story on a public plataform so if you got some writing tips, tell me please. I'm sorry if my english is not so right, it's because I'm italian. I hope you liked the first chapter of the story (if you not then go away because I don't give a sh1t) and goodbye!!!

                                                                 ༘⋆₊ ⊹★🔭๋࣭ ⭑⋆。˚

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