{ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱 }

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{ Chapter six : The Expression }

Stefans Car

Esme, Stefan, Damon and Caroline enter Stefans car, Stefan driving, Damon in the passenger seat and Esme and Caroline in the backseat.

"Wait, so will I have to merge with him now?"

Esme asks, leaning between the two front seats.

"Well when was the last time you did magic?"

Stefan asks her in response,

"I used a spell to get me and Kai out of the prison world, but Im not really confident with my magic yet, I read a book I found there talking about merging and apparently someone has to die to merge, what if its me?"

Esme replies, Damon looks back to her.

"Yeah, you need to strenghen your magic, so you win the merge. We can get Bonbon to teach you."

He smirks back at her.

"Okay, Ill text Jo about what the plan is."

Caroline says taking out her phone and texting Jo.

Salvatore house

They all walk back into the house and sit down on the couch,

Then Jo and Alaric walk in with Bonnie behind them, holding a stack of grimores. She walks up to Esme and leaves them on the coffe table beside her.

"Here are all my grimores, pretty much every spell is in those, I can teach you them if you want."

Bonnie asks sitting down beside her. Esme smiles at her.

"Thanks Bon, but I think Ill be 0kay. Im a fast learner, I'll have these masterd in two days tops."

Bonnie smiles and nods at her.

"I'm gonna head over to Ty's to learn these in peace, pretty sure Tylers on a date with Liv."

They all wave her off, as shes walking out, Jo touchs her arm,

"You sure you got this? I know this is so sudden."

"Ill be fine Jo, anything to stop Kai."

They smile at eachother and Esme walks out.

Tylers house

Esme finally makes it to Tylers house, and unlocks the door, she go's to 'her' bedroom and places all the books on the bed and goes through them, one by one.

After about an hour, Esme had leanred two grimores, and she moves onto the third, labled 'Expression' by Atticus Shane. And starts learning it, inside the grimore, contained spells with very dark magic, it took Esme a lot of time but she finally got the hand of it after a day, Atticus had a great way of descirbing each spell which made it easier to get the hang off.

The next day Esme decides to drive to Bonnies house to drop back her grimores,

She's crossing over Wickery Bridge when she sees a figure in the middle of the road, this catches her by surpirse and she quickly turns her car into a ditch and crashes.

She slowly opens her eyes, everywhere hurt, her arm, leg, chest and her head,

She raises her hand and feels her forehead, she looks back at her hand and it was coverd in blood. She takes a deep breath and steps out of the car.

She walks toward the middle of the bridge and looks around for anyone, she turns around and sees Kai standing behind her.

"Well hello there, weird running into you."

He says before rasing his hand to her and clenching his finger together, Esme suddenly feels her thoat close up, like she was being choked, she falls to her knees, when suddenly a vengelful emotion runs through her, she tries to calm herself down and closes her eyes, then opens them, looking at Kai, who was smiling at her misery.

She then slowly stands up and continues staring at Kai. She then looks to his hand, Kai starts to scream,

"AH, what are you doing!"

He says, hearing all the bones in his hand snap. Esme then looks to his leg, snap. He falls to the ground

"Esme, please, I'll leave you alone!"

He yells to her, but she cant hear him, the power shes feeling has taken over her thoughts, she then looks to his eyes,


Kai then catches on fire, he runs around trying to put it out, while Esme stands and stares at him.

"I don't know who you think you are, trying to ruin my life, my friends lives, but I wont let it happen, not anymore."

She says before walking back into her car and driving back to Bonnies house.

Kai, who is still on fire, then starts chanting a spell and suddenly the fire is disgingused. He looks to Esmes car which is now way far ahead of him.

"What happend to you."

He mutters, questioning what had happened to his innocent sister.

Bonnie's house

Esme finally makes it to Bonnie's house. She knocks on the door, when Enzo awnsers.

"Ah, Esme, what brings you here?"

"Hi Enzo, is Bonnie there?

Bonnie then runs up to the door,

"Hey Es, whats up"

"I came up here to give back your grimores, but can I talk to you about something."

"Of course!"

Bonnie says ushering her inside,

They all walk into the sitting room and sit down.

"I think Im ready for the merge."

"No Es, its only been a day, theres no way your ready, its okay to take it slow."

"Bon, Im ready, ever since I used this spellbook, I've been so powerful, I mean I even beat Kai in a fight."

Esme says holding up the expression book.

Bonnie looks at the grimore in shock, she then snatches it out of her hands and looks at it.

"I completely forgot I had this, you shouldnt have read this. Also what do uou mean you 'bet' Kai in a fight?"

"Bonnie its okay, Im okay."

"No Es you dont get it, this is dark magic, it changes you. When I used it, I couldnt even recogise myself."

"Well, Im sorry Bon but I dont really care, if Im going to win the merge this way so be it."

Esme says standing up to leave the house, Enzo then sits up to pull her back when she swiftly turns around and starts a fire on the table.

Enzo then turns around to attend to the fire, Bonnie looks up to Esme in fear, knowing she is too far into the magic.

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