Ch.23: Trial of Ramuh

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The party stood across from Ardyn, their guard heightened more than before. Y/n, however, was being supported by Cloud and Gladio. The fight against Titan had drained him and he was trying his best to stay conscious. Aerith glared daggers at Ardyn. She felt a strange sensation radiating from him. The same sensation she felt when confronting Sephiroth. Tifa was feeling uneasy as well. Her attention drifted from her weakened partner and the Imperial Chancellor who wore a smug grin.

"Oh, thank the gods I found you all." Ardyn said with a dramatic gasp. "And what will you do with us now?" Ignis questioned. "Why, grant you safe passage, just as I said." "Pretty generous offer, considering you played a part in our home being destroyed." Gladio remarked. "Nevertheless, aren't you glad I was there?"

Ardyn stepped away from the cargo hold they stood in as he entered the cockpit. "So what do we do after he drops us off?" Asked Gladio. "Go get the car." Y/n replied. "Can't leave her unattended for long." Added Ignis. "Then we call the others and meet up again." Finished Aerith.

"I wonder what he gains from helping us." Cloud thought aloud. "What do you mean?" Asked Aerith. "He is the Imperial Chancellor. And as Gladio said, he played a part in the Empire destroying Y/n's home. Why the hell did he help Y/n get in to the Disc of Cauthess and then get us out of the eruption?" "Beats me." Y/n shrugged.

Speaking of whom, Ardyn returned from the cockpit and Ignis quickly turned to him. "Chancellor. If you truly wish to aid us in our efforts, then I request you release us this instant." "This instant? It's a long way down. Perhaps the army could break your fall. Or perhaps you could simply sit back and enjoy the ride. You needn't worry. You're in good hands with me."

Several minutes later, the Magitek Engine's doors began to open. "Here's to hoping you find that car of yours." Y/n and the others hopped off of the Engine where they came to realize that they were at Wiz's Chocobo Post. The Engine began to depart. "Before I forget!" Ardyn shouted as he reached into his pocket. "A mutual acquaintance of ours wished for me to give this to you!" He released something. Y/n, Tifa, Cloud, and Aerith watched with astonishment as a black feather floated to the earth below. "It... It can't be." Tifa gasped. Cloud extended his hand as the feather fell onto his open palm. "Sephiroth." He spat, crushing the feather which caused it to disperse. "Why would he have that?" Aerith pondered. "Why's that feather got you all worked up?" Gladio asked. "Remember Sephiroth?" Y/n replied. "That feather comes from his wing. There's no reason why Ardyn would have it... unless the two are no in league." "SHIT!" Cloud cursed. "We must call the others and figure out what we must do." Said Ignis as he pulled out his phone.

"Prompto." "Hey Iggy, what's up?" Prompto answered with a nervous voice. "Long story. We need you and the others to come to Wiz's Chocobo Post." "It might take us a few days." Barret said. "What? Why?" "We might've come across trouble with the Empire which involved bullets and missiles." Prompto chuckled before letting out a loud gulp. "Are you kidding?" Ignis sighed as Y/n and Gladio shook their heads. "Alright, just get here as soon as you can." "Will do." "Guys we have to wait." Gladio said as he took a seat.

Y/n felt dizzy as he too took a seat. "How did it feel? Fighting a god?" Cloud asked. "Tough. Scary. He was trying to tell me something, but I couldn't understand." Aerith took a seat next to Y/n. "I was. He spoke to me." "He did? What did he say?" "He said that the gods aren't happy with how we defied fate. However, Bahamut is allowing us to continue, seeing as "Those we've met" are trying to change their's as well. They are allowing us to write our own fate seeing as their defiance altered ours." "Man. All this fate stuff is really confusing." Y/n sighed. "You can say that again."

Later that evening, the party took to bed at a nearby Safe Haven. Cloud couldn't sleep as his mind was occupied with thought about Sephiroth and his plans. Why did Ardyn have that feather? Were they working together as Y/n had said? "Couldn't sleep?" Y/n asked as he joined his friend beside the warm fire which was kept ignited underneath the Haven's protective barrier. "I can't stop thinking about it." Replied Cloud as his hand balled into a tight fist. "Have you heard his voice lately?" Cloud shook his head. "Not since... I attacked you and Tifa. I don't think it's the last time it'll happen. I just want to be myself... with my own memories." "You're a strong guy, Cloud. It won't change over night, but we'll find a way to help you." "I just hope I'm strong enough." Y/n placed a hand on Cloud's shoulder as they both looked into the fire. "You are." Cloud chuckled slightly as he turned to Y/n. "How does it feel? Fighting a god?" Y/n exhaled. "Exhausting." Cloud shook his head, earning a laugh from Y/n. "At least you kicked his ass." "Don't let him hear you say that."

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