
609 14 1

Edited: 6/8/2024

Edited: 4/30/2024

Tsuki stared at Shoko shocked as she tried to explain pregnancy to the pink-haired naive shielted girl. But she couldn't listen to most of what the older lady was saying. All she got was that she had a baby forming inside of her, due to her having sex.

Shoko: "Ms. Raito. I need to know who the father is."

Tsuki snapped out of it and looked at Shoko shocked. She looked at her confused, still not having grasped that you have to have sex to make a baby.

Shoko: "What I mean is...I want to know the man that you with. You understand what that is, right?"

Tsuki thought about it, all she knows about sex is that you do it with someone you love. 

Shoko: "Look, the best way I can describe it to you. Is like this."

She held up her hands, made an "O" with her fingers, and stuck her pointer finger through the hole. Tsuki gasped as she finally got what the older lady was asking her.

Tsuki: "Oh that!"

Shoko sighed in relief and nodded her head. She didn't feel comfortable with having to explain what sex was to her. Tsuki opened her mouth, to tell her who it was with because it didn't matter to keep it a secret. They know now that Yuji is alive. But when she opened her mouth...nothing came out. She tried again and Shoko looked at her confused. 

Shoko: "Are you okay?"

Tsuki: "Um,'s just...I am TRYING to tell you, but it appears I can't."

Shoko's eyes widened as she looked at her horrified. This could mean only one thing. The dude made her promise not to tell anyone using cursed energy, making a binding vow, and now her body won't let her say anything.

Shoko: "Well, can you at least give a description?"

Tsuki tried that, but she couldn't do that as well. This was starting to concern, Shoko.

Shoko: "Look, you will have to come to me once a month to keep an eye on the baby.  That is unless you want to keep it."

Tsuki looked at Shoko shocked. She thought about how Yuji would feel about this.

Tsuki: "Um...I think I should talk to-"

She tried saying his name again, but nothing came out. Shoko sighed as she placed a hand on the girl's shoulder.

Shoko: "Ms. Raito, it is your body. Whoever it was that got you pregnant has no say in what you do with it."

Tsuki looked at her confused before suddenly the doors were thrown open. The girls looked over to see all the other kids being rushed in. Most of them didn't look that injured, besides Megumi. They were all rushed to beds and Shoko got to work. While she was healing people, Tsuki sat next to Megumi's bed, but then Gojo rushed into the room, worried about his Precious Angel. Once he saw that she was safe and sound, he forced her to sit in his lap as he started to hand-feed her. Shoko saw this and frowned, she didn't like what her old friend was doing. Just then Utahime comes in and sees Gojo, she growls before she drags Shoko out of the room to tell her about what Gojo was doing with Tsuki in the break room during the event. Shoko frowned deeper as she came to her conclusion and she didn't like it. While Tsuki was still sitting in Gojo's lap being forced-feed by him. Yuji, megumi, and Nobara glared at their teacher, not liking the way he was touching her. 

Gojo: "Come on Precious Angel, say ah~!"

He held a sweet to her mouth, trying to get her to eat it.

Tsuki: "Sensei, I don't need-Mph!"

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