A Lady

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Edited: 4/29/2024

------------Narrator's POV------------

Tsuki: "Father!"

A beautiful pink-haired lady ran to the room that she knew her father was sitting in, holding a little bird in her delicate hands. She was outside in the garden of the temple and found the injured creature on the ground near the willow tree. Sukuna made it clear to his daughter that she was to never leave the temple under any circumstances, to protect her from others in the outside world, including that sorcerer from the Gojo clan, but she was allowed out in the garden as long as a servant or one of the concubines were with her. She ran through the hallways, almost bumping into servants until she reached the room that she shared with her father. He decided to share a room with his daughter to always be by her side, even while they were sleeping. Tsuki slid open the door and walked into the room, Sukuna looked over to his daughter and he got slightly worried by the worried expression on her face.

Sukuna: "What's the matter, my blessing?"

He calmly asked while trying to not get worried. Tsuki panted slightly before extending her hands towards him to reveal the injured bird in her hands.

Tsuki: "Please teach me how to heal it, father."

Sukuna looked at her shocked, this was the first time she had asked him to teach her the Reverse Cursed Technique. He looked down at the tiny bird in his daughter's hand to see it was barely breathing. He then looked back at his daughter's face to see her giving him a pleading look.

Sukuna: "Where did you find that?"

Tsuki: "Out in the garden by the willow tree."

She looked down at the small bird in her hands and her father hummed as he studied her features. He could tell that his daughter was about to cry, feeling sorry and worried for the small and helpless creature. While Tsuki is a half curse and shows absolutely no kindness to the humans or any sympathy for them. Animals, on the other hand. She shows them kindness and love. She was only gentle and soft towards animals and not humans. He knows that his daughter shouldn't be this soft and kind to animals, since like with humans, they will die eventually, but the look she was giving him made him change his mind. He felt like he was her only hope, which he was. If she wanted to learn the Reverse cursed technique, he was the only person who could teach her. Sure Uraume knows it, but he felt prideful that his daughter went to him. He felt as if his daughter depended on him, which at first he didn't want, but over time he came to love the feeling of his only child coming to him, begging for help. The feeling of protectiveness over her grew with each passing day that he didn't want her to leave him. So he started forming a plan to curse her to remain at the age of 18, so she would never grow up and leave him.

Tsuki: "Father?"

Hearing her soft voice, snapped Sukuna out of his thoughts, the same pleading look was on her face. Sukuna sighed and stood up from his spot. 

Sukuna: "If you want to learn the Reverse Cursed Technique, my child, it takes time and training. Are you prepared for that?"

Tsuki grinned and nodded her head, determined to heal this poor bird from its injuries. Her father nodded his head and placed a hand on his daughter's back, pushing her out of the room and down the hall. She looked at him confused before they came up to the infirmity where most of the servants or concubines would go when they got hurt. They walk into the room to see one of the concubines lying on a bed. She had long black hair and sea-green eyes. Tsuki looked at this woman with a frown as the woman looked at the two scared. This woman was none other than, Kyoto Obake. Tsuki's mother. Tsuki looked up at her father confused.

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