I'm what!?

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Edited: 4/30/2024

(A/N: Just a warning. I have no idea how pregnancies work because I have never been pregnant. So I have no idea how long you have to be, until you start showing signs or when it's too late for an abortion. So I apologize if I have the wrong information about pregnancies.)

The next morning, Tsuki returned to classes, Yuji had wanted her to rest, but the school would always demand your presence regardless if you were legit DYING! So she dragged herself to class and trudged over to her desk and laid her head on the cool wood. Megumi and Nobara looked at her concerned because she didn't look good. Nobara walked over to her and placed her hand on her back.

Nobara: "You okay, Tsuki?"

Tsuki: "Just feel like I'm about to throw up my insides."

Megumi: "That doesn't sound good. You should go see Shoko."

Tsuki: "I think it's just the stress from what happened with my family."

Nobara: "Ah, right. Your parents divorced, didn't they?"

Tsuki sighed and nodded her head. Fortunately, Gojo walked into the classroom before her friends could say anything else. Gojo looked over at his Precious Angel shocked and worried. She looked like she was close to death's door and he had heard about what happened to her parents.

Gojo: "Ah, Precious Angel! Are you feeling okay!?"

He ran over to her and put his hands on her shoulders as he started shaking her. This didn't help her nauseous and she groaned. Megumi and Nobara looked at their teacher annoyed. Megumi ripped Tsuki from his teacher's grasp.

Nobara; "You idiot! Your shaking only made her feel worse!"

Tsuki groaned as it looked like she was about to throw up. Gojo teleported away, only to come back with a trash can. The moment he got back with the trash can, Tsuki threw up again. The three looked at her worried. Gojo squatted in front of her desk, looking at his Precious Angel worried.

Gojo: "I don't think you will be able to participate in the Exchange Event in this condition, Precious Angel."

tsuki gasped as she looked at her teacher shocked.

Tsuki; "What no! I'm okay I promise!"

She jumped up from her seat, only to hunch over as she covered her mouth. They stared at her blankly.

Megumi: "You said."

Tsuki swallowed down the throw-up and Gojo sighed. He stood up and crossed his arms.

Gojo: "Look, Precious Angel. If you don't get better until the Exchange Event, you can't participate. You should go see Shoko."

Tsuki shook her head, not wanting to bother the lady for something so small as a stomach bug.

Tsuki: "It's just a stomach bug. I'll be fine, I promise."

Gojo sighed and nodded his head. They started class, and Tsuki tried to concentrate and not throw up.

------------Time skip------------

Once class was over Tsuki made a beeline for the secret basement, but she made sure no one was spying on her. Once she saw that the coast was clear she opened the doors to the secret basement and closed them above her. She walked down the stairs.

Yuji: "Shit!"

She got down to the last step and looked to see her fiancee hiding behind the couch. He peeked his head from behind the couch.  Once he saw that it was only his fiancee he relaxed and grinned.

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