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The insistent sound of Asante's voice calling my name pierced through my ear drums.  I grumbled, pulling up my skin trousers.  For once, I'd managed to avoid being late, thanks to his overly enthusiastic wake-up call.

"Lexie!" he boomed again, the sound echoing through the thin walls of the apartment.

Heaving myself out of my room, his body leans next to my door. His arms crossed against his chest as he scrolls down his phone.

After yesterday's awkward encounter, we'd agreed on a shaky truce – a hands-off policy when it came to each other's business. Apparently, the truce hadn't quite reached Asante's small brain, as evidenced by his booming voice. A wry smile played on my lips despite myself.

"Ten whole hours, Lexie!" he chuckled staring at me for the first time today.

"I didn't exactly ask you to wait for me," I countered, slinging my tote bag over my shoulder.

"A thank you would be a good start, though," he said, a playful glint in his eyes.

"Thank you for disrupting my sleep schedule and turning my dreams into dust?"  I raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.

He threw his head back and laughed, a rich, infectious sound that filled the small compound. "You're impossible, Lexie."

"And you're..." I paused, searching for the right word.  Flamingo?  The image that popped into my head was a bit too comical.  "Persistent," I finally settled on.

"Persistent, huh?"  He grinned.  "Maybe there's a better word for it. Beautiful, perhaps?"

A laugh passes my lips, I couldn't help it but smile at his words. In a day where even a flicker of a smile seemed impossible, here I was practically cracking up because of Asante.  His unexpected chills sent a warmth through me that I couldn't deny.

For once, I had forgotten my problems and a real smile had paved its way on my cheeks.

Hopping into the passenger's seat of the waiting taxi, we found ourselves sitting closer than usual.  For once, the usual anxieties about being in public faded away.  With Asante beside me, there was a strange sense of security, a feeling I hadn't anticipated..

The familiar scent of the city blurred into the background as the conversation flowed easily. Before I knew it, my eyelids grew heavy, lulled by the gentle swaying of the taxi.  A soft nudge from Asante startled me awake.  My head, I realized with a jolt, was resting on his shoulder.  A wave of heat flooded my cheeks as I scrambled upright.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I stammered, mortified. Why, of all times, did I have to fall asleep on him? This wasn't in any way cool.

Asante chuckled, a warm sound that sent shivers down my spine.  "No worries," he said, his voice gentle.  "Long day, huh?"

He exited the taxi first, offering his hand to help me out.  My initial instinct was to swat it away, a stubborn protest against his sudden act. "Why acting like a gentleman all of the sudden?" I teased, a hint of amusement dancing in my eyes.

"I thought I'd been one all along," he started to reply, but I cut him off.

"Wait, my fee..." I panicked, realizing I hadn't paid my share.  "I need to go back and-"

"Already taken care of," he said with a reassuring smile. 

Relief washed through me. "Thank you," I mumbled digging through my pockets. "Here you go." I held out some cash.

"No it's fine, consider it a free ride." He beams a smile, revealing a dimple on his cheeks.

If I said my heart didn't melt, I would be lying to myself.

"I don't accept free rides." Stubbornly, I declare trying to shove the money in his hand.

His grin the wides as he whispers, "then you can pay for my bus fare tomorrow. Otherwise," He leaned further to my ears. "I don't accept money from girls either."

"What's the difference?!" I groan in annoyance as he opens the door to the classroom. He just chuckled, motioning me to get in first as he held it open for me.

My eyes aligns with Vee as I walk in, a smirk dancing upon her lips. "You're so early today..."

My sense spots the trick in her compliment and I just give off a small laugh. "It's not what you're thinking."

"Is there anything I should think about?" She raises her eyes. "Honestly, I wasn't thinking about anything for real."

I groan whispering into her ear, "I know what you're thinking and yes it's a long story. Just don't conclude into anything please. Bye!"

I escape her further questions, as I secure my seat at the back. To my amazement the glares are not on me today since the class is nearly empty.

Asante is already seated on his chair, his head laying on the desk... Just two minutes, he's already asleep?

"Hey you." I tap his shoulder, trying to wake him up.

"Have you missed me already?" He says not opening his eyes even once.

"Eew no." I shrug sitting on my desk which is now far away from his. I guess the cleaners decided to create a lift between us. "Just remembered about something important I wanted to ask you."

"More important than my morning beauty sleep?" he mumbles.

Despite my usual self, I found myself smiling again.  One minute he was charming and sweet, the next a petulant child whining about missed sleep.  "Who's that guy staying with you?" I blurted out, surprising myself with my sudden curiosity.

His eyes cracks open as he retrieved his head from his desk. "That's Curtis," he said, stretching and yawning.  "He's, uh, pretty popular around here. It scares me that you don't know him."

A small mocking laugh passes my lips. "I don't even know 5% of this class, I don't think my brain can spare the popular kids."

That was the truth, I didn't know much about anyone in this school.  Popular kids weren't exactly on my social radar neither were the unpopular ones. That's how I was.

Sometimes, my social awkwardness depressed my relationship with Vee.  She had always brought forward gossips about different people and I never uttered much words. But with time, she realized that life about others never interested me, so I guess she ceased to bring forth the stories.

He chuckled, a rich, infectious sound. "Wow, Lexie, do you live under a rock?  Social anxiety or something? Never had a crush on a popular guy?"

That made me more curious about my life... Did I ever develop a crush on anyone? Ever? Of course I've complimented people's appearances and all that... But crush? That was a different lane I never tempted.

"Is it normal?" I find myself asking louder than intended. After realization kicked in, it turned out I've never wished to date anyone or rather stay with anyone.

He takes time to answer that I find the awkward silence so uncomfortable. Once, a lover of silence... To a hater of peaceful silence?

"Of course it is." Asante says mostly to himself. As if he just convinced himself of some doubts playing in his head. "You're so unique Lexie."

That small compliment awakens butterflies in my stomach. I smile looking away. I was so Unique? Did it mean that he found me distinct from the rest? Was that good? Good enough?

"You deserve an Oscar's Award Lexie!" He says, retrieving back to his teasing words. "That reminds me, can I get your autograph, miss Lexie?"


Hey sweeets😊

Thank you for making my book to reach 50 votes!! And 200 reads🥺

I'm so happy and excited!!! Here's another update...

What do you think about Asante and Lexie's growing relationship?

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