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The steamy garlic scent is so heavy, I can nearly taste it

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The steamy garlic scent is so heavy, I can nearly taste it. My stomach rumbled a ferocious agreement. Five hours of lecture had left me exhausting.

"Roasted grilled garlic chicken and chips with the fruit salad please." I pleaded, squeezing my empty stomach.

"I thought you stopped liking fruit salad!"

"Why would I? That's one thing that understands my cravings."

The circular plate fits well in my hands, the fruit salad contemplating the beauty of the chicken. I would wed this chicken if it weren't going straight in my tummy.

"Roasted beef with chips." Vivian orders. The tapping of my feet holds my tongue from melting as I can't wait to savor it in three seconds.

The moment she receives her food, we began the big search for a free bench. A piece of grilled chicken is already in my mouth the second my body hits the bench.

"I was starving," I mumbled, savoring the juicy flavor.

Vivian leaned closer, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "So, how's that handsome classmate of yours? Seemed like you two were getting along well in class."

Her words hit me like a cold wave, nearly causing me to choke on the chicken. Asante's name popped into my head again, sending a flicker of warmth through my stomach that had nothing to do with hunger. I quickly washed it down with a swig of water.

"Are you okay?" She mockingly asks.

"I just chocked on a chunk of meat. Of course I'm fine," I managed, forcing a nonchalant tone. She noted my sarcastic reply and her eyes rolled in rhythm. "Lexie!"

"What do you even want to know? We just worked on the same project that's all."

Vivian's eyebrows rose skeptically. "Just a project, huh? Well, don't blame a girl for being curious."

A knot of butterflies steams through me, unable to handle the tension lingering in the air. I would pay her my whole savings just to not talk about this right now.

I don't know what to call this but it's certainly not luck. A low rumble echoed through the room, and heads swiveled towards the entrance-mine inclusive. A group of guys strolled in, their laughter cutting through the cafeteria. They were effortlessly cool, radiating a confidence that I would never gain in my lifetime.

"Our man our man." Vivian grins staring directly at me.

I knew what she was up to and I knew giving her the satisfaction she wanted would only mean torture for eternity. As usual she was testing waters to see if I'd brush, smile be annoyed or not care.

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