Always the fool with the slowest heart

114 6 9

for this prompt:

Prompt: Haven't I given you enough +Brocedes

Nico is the the one who says this.

Pls write something for me to cry. But with a happy ending pls

Nico is tired. Exhausted really. And even exhausted is an understatement to how he feels.

Yes, he's with Lewis now.

'With' in every single possible meaning of the word.

But sometimes he catches himself thinking if it wouldn't be better if they weren't.

If he'd just left Lewis behind like he'd left his racing career.

Maybe that would have been better....

To just have left things like they were.

But, apparently he couldn't. His treacherous mind telling him to keep on chasing his childhood friend.

He loved Lewis. Still does.

And back then he would have followed him to the end of the world.

But things had changed.

Nico's competitive nature had taken over and the need to win had pushed down the old friendship so far back into the tiniest corner of the biggest closet there ever was.

It was a locked up box, full of memories.

He still doesn't know who suffered the most, but if you'd ask his friends, they'd definitely say it was him.

While the media and Lewis' fans made a big show off pointing him out to be the bad guy, his loyal friends told him differently.

It wasn't just him who played the mind games. Lewis just had a more subtle, cunning way.

A way that would hurt more than any other mind games he did himself.

But then he left. He felt like he finally won something. But he lost even more.

He knew that if it was up to Lewis, that this would be it.

He on the other hand couldn't do it.

That preverbial box in his closet had to be opened again.

He must be a narcissist or something.

Rather dwell in his own pain than to move on.

So he went back. But as a reporter this time.

They kept on asking him for comments about Lewis and he kept on giving.

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