Are you somewhere feeling lonely, even though he's right beside you? (3/3)

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It's time for the Monaco GP again and there's no way Nico isn't going, no matter how much Jenson tries to keep him from going.

It's been a year since that last one he went to and something inside his head is screaming at him to go. That he has to be there. Even if he has no clue why.

His time with Sky is over and his racing carreer has ended long before that.

Why did he still want to be there? What pulled him in so much?

He was dying to get that answer.

So, he's going. Jenson isn't going to stop him.

Their relationship was already pretty rocky anyway.

Nico still couldn't shake the feeling that Jenson was holding something back from him.

Something really, really important.

He didn't like it. Nor did he like being lied to.

Maybe this Monaco GP would bring him the answers he needs.

Lewis was quite antsy, going to the Monaco GP.

He could watch it on a big screen somewhere too, but, they'd invited him to the paddock and he really couldn't say no.

He heard other former drivers were coming as well, so it would be nice to see them too.

He didn't know if Nico would be there like the year before.

He also didn't know if he should hope that he was there, or if he should hope that he wasn't.

If he should hope that he'd run into him or if he shouldn't.

Monaco would always remind him of Nico as much as Greece did.

No. He still hadn't forgotten about him.

Part of him wished that one day Nico would remember him. Part of him didn't.

But one thing he did know was that however hard he tried.....

He could never forget Nico Rosberg.

It happens again.

The two of them bump into each other on the paddock, but it's nothing like the first time.

While Lewis is in shock again, Nico's face is blank, and it's not even a mask.

'He doesn't remember me' flashes through Lewis' head again and so he quickly scurries off, mumbling an "I'm sorry," before he sets off.

Nico is a little confused, but doesn't think about it anymore. The race is gonna start soon anyway.

Lewis silently curses when he realizes they're seated in the same box, of course they are, and keeps his distance

Nothing happens anymore.

Until the crash.

Two teammates crash into each other and they're both out of the race.

No one's injured, but somehow Nico can't get the whole scene out of his head.

It's like the scene keeps on repeating itself inside his head, only the cars seem to change. The drivers too.

His ears are ringing with the distant sound of a voice..... A voice in his head...

Ha----ton," he can't quite make out the first name," and Rosberg crashed!"

It doesn't go away---no matter how many times he blinks or rubs his forehead.

It's giving him a headache.

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